HPE NonStop SQL/MX Release 3.5 Messages Manual
Message handling
Viewing SQL/MX messages
Non-SQLCODE error messages
Messages that report a Guardian file system error
Contacting your service provider
Process control procedure errors
JDBC Driver error messages (29000-29999)
General messages (0 through 999)
Data Definition Language (DDL) messages (1000 through 1999)
SQL/MX MXCMP messages (2000 through 2999)
Parser and compilation messages (3000 through 3999)
Binder and compilation messages (4000 through 4999)
Normalizer messages (5000 through 5999)
Optimizer messages (6000 through 6999)
Generator messages (7000 through 7999)
Executor messages (8000 through 8999)
UPDATE STATISTICS messages (9200 through 9225)
Executor sort and scratch file I/O messages (10000 through 10199)
Executor sort messages
Scratch file I/O messages
Trigger, UDR server, and language manager messages (11000 through 11399)
Materialized View messages (12001 through 12329)
SQLC and SQLCO preprocessor messages (13000 through 13999)
mxrpm tool messages (14000 through 14039)
MXCI messages (15000 through 15999)
Messages generated by the message system (16000 through 16999)
PL/MX messages (17000 through 17207)
Internal stored procedures messages (19000 through 19999)
Utility messages (20000 through 23030)
Versioning and distribution messages (25000 through 25399)
Distribution messages (25400-25499)
Database Services (DBS) messages (21113 through 21137)
SQL/MX Health Check tool messages (26000 through 26017)
Rowsets messages (30000 through 30999)
SQLSTATE values returned by NonStop SQL/MX
SQLSTATE and SQLCODE considerations
Websites (NonStop)
Support and other resources
Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support
Accessing updates
Customer self repair
Remote support
Warranty and regulatory information
Regulatory information
Documentation feedback
Non-SQLCODE error messages
SQL Health Check messages
Conditions and informational messages
InstallSqlmx script
InstallSqlMxHelp script error messages
Metadata Migration utility
MXGNAMES utility
DBS installation messages (DBS001 through DBS020)
Non-SQLCODE error messages
SQL Health Check messages
SQL Health Check messages
Conditions and informational messages