Metadata Migration utility
This subsection describes the messages generated by the Metadata Migration utility.
migr0001: Invalid input command. It is invalid to perform EXECUTE SCRIPT with the ALL, MPALIAS, DEFAULTS, and/or PROCS option(s).
Cause The Metadata Migration tool has detected an invalid combination of options. If EXECUTE SCRIPT is to be chosen, it must be the only option executed. ALL, MPALIAS, DEFAULTS, and PROCS are not valid when using SCRIPT.
Effect The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
Recovery Remove the ALL, MPALIAS, DEFAULTS, or PROCS option and resubmit.
migr0002: [Error] Invalid imput command. It is invalid to perform SHOW and EXECUTE together. Perform SHOW to browse entries. Perform EXECUTE when ready to execute the migration.
Cause The Metadata Migration tool has detected an invalid combination of options. SHOW and EXECUTE do not execute in the same invocation of the migrate tool Run SHOW and EXECUTE separately.
Effect The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
Recovery Use the correct input command and resubmit.
migr0003: Invalid input command. When using PRELIMINARY_REPORT, it must be the only command chosen.
Cause PRELIMINARY_REPORT must be the only command specified. A SHOW or EXECUTE command cannot be performed at the same time as the PRELIMINARY_REPORT.
Effect The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
Recovery Use the correct input command and resubmit.
migr0004: Invalid input command. The EXECUTE SCRIPT option was chosen without a specified filename.
Cause You did not specify a file name in the EXECUTE SCRIPT option, which is required for this command.
Effect The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
Recovery Use the correct file name and resubmit.
migr0005: SQL/MP is not installed. Therefore, there are no entries to migrate.
Cause SQL/MP is not installed on the system. There is nothing to migrate.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery None.
migr0006: SQL/MX is not installed.
Cause NonStop SQL/MX is not installed on the system, which is required.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Install NonStop SQL/MX prior to running the migrate utility.
migr0007: Incorrect version of SQL/MX is installed for migrate.
Cause NonStop SQL/MX is installed on the system, but it is the wrong version.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Install correct version of NonStop SQL/MX.
migr0008: Environment variable NSK_VOL or NSK_SUBVOL or SQLMX_NAMETYPE=NSK not specified prior to use of migrate utility.
Cause The environment variable is not present.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Use EXPORT to set up environment variables and resubmit.
migr0009: Invalid input command. The EXECUTE SCRIPT option was chosen. A script file was supplied, however, the file does not exist.
Cause You specified a file name in the EXECUTE SCRIPT option that does not exist.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Specify the correct file name and resubmit.
migr0016: SQL/MP system catalog does not contain PARAMS.
Cause SQL/MP is installed, but it does not have a PARAMS table.
Effect There are no PARAMS entries to migrate.
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0017: SQL/MP system catalog does not contain MPALIAS.
Cause SQL/MP is installed, but it does not have an MPALIAS table.
Effect There are no MPALIAS entries to migrate.
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0018: SQL/MP system catalog does not contain DEFAULTS.
Cause SQL/MP is installed, but does not have a DEFAULTS table.
Effect There are no DEFAULTS entries to migrate.
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0019: SQL/MP system catalog does not contain PROCS and/or PARAMS.
Cause SQL/MP is installed, but it does not have a PROCS or PARAMS table.
Effect There are no PROCS entries to migrate.
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0020: The ERROR_LOG OSS-filename> option was chosen without the CLEAR and the specified OSS-filename> already exists. The filename has defaulted to error_log.out.
Cause A file name specified in the ERROR_LOG option already exists and CLEAR is not used.
Effect None. The file name will default to
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0021: The SCRIPT OSS-filename> option was chosen without the CLEAR and the specified OSS-filename> already exists. The filename has defaulted to script.out.
Cause A file name specified in the SCRIPT option already exists and CLEAR is not used.
Effect None. The file name defaults to
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0022: The ERROR_LOG option was chosen without a specified filename. The filename has defaulted to error_log.out.
Cause A file name was not specified in the SHOW SCRIPT option.
Effect None. The file name defaults to
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0023: The SHOW SCRIPT option was chosen without a specified filename. The filename has defaulted to script.out.
Cause A file name was not specified in the SHOW SCRIPT option.
Effect None. The file name defaults to
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0024: [Warning] The ERROR_LOG option was not chosen. The ERROR_LOG has defaulted to error_log.out.
Cause The ERROR_LOG option was not chosen for the EXECUTE command.
Effect None. An ERROR_LOG is captured to the default file name
Recovery None. This message is a warning.
migr0025: SQL/MP system catalog does not contain ZONAM2ID, ZOAS2DS, ZODS, ZOENV and/or ZORES.
Cause SQL/MP is installed, but it does not have the correct ODBC tables.
Effect There are no ODBC entries to migrate. (Verify that this is correct.)
Recovery None. This message is a warning.