Optimizer messages (6000 through 6999)
SQL 6000
6000 Internal error in the query optimizer.
The optimizer received an internal error during query optimization.
The operation fails.
None. Contact your service provider.
SQL 6001
6001 DISTINCT aggregates can be computed for only one column per table expression.
You attempted to compute DISTINCT aggregates for more than one column.
DISTINCT aggregates can be computed only for one column per table expression.
Correct syntax and resubmit.
SQL 6002
6002 The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid values. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
You have manually modified the metadata table, and now it contains invalid values.
NonStop SQL/MX is unable to complete compilation.
Undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
SQL 6003
6003 The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid boundary value value for column name. If you have manually modified the metadata table, you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
You have manually modified the metadata table, and now it contains an invalid boundary value.
NonStop SQL/MX uses default histograms to compile the query. Therefore, these statistics might not be the best plans generated.
Undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
SQL 6004
6004 The metadata table HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS for column clumn does not have intervals interval_number #1 and interval_number #2 in order. If you have manually modified the metadata table, you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
You manually modified the metadata table and it now contains an invalid boundary value.
NonStop SQL/MX uses default statistics to generate plans. Therefore, these might not be the best plans generated.
Undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
SQL 6007
6007 Multi-column statistics for columns names from table namewere not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
Statistics are not available for the multicolumn join you are performing.
This message appears when the user has not updated statistics for column names and when the rowcount in table name is more than the value of the defaults table constant HIST_ROWCOUNT_REQUIRING_STATS. If you want to suppress this message, set that value to a large number, and you will see this message only for tables with more rows than that, and for which there are no updated statistics.
None. This is a warning message.
SQL 6008
6008 Statistics for column column-name from table table-name were not available. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
column-name is the name of the affected column;
table-name is the name of the SQL/MX table to which the columns belong.
Statistics for the column were not generated.
None. The plan generated by the optimizer might not be optimal. This is a warning message.
Generate the statistics for the column identified in the warning, and prepare the query again.
SQL 6020
6020 Optimizer has reached its memory threshold; the query plan generated might not be optimal.
The defaults attribute MEMORY_USAGE_SAFETY_NET is set and the MXCMP process memory reached the set threshold.
This is a warning message. SQL/MX optimizer has reached the set threshold and the query plan generated might be sub-optimal. As a result, there may be a slow execution of the query.
SQL 6030
6030 Optimizer hint opt-hint was ignored.
You specified an optimizer hint in the SQL statement which the optimizer cannot honor.
This is a warning message. The optimizer hints specified in the SQL statement was ignored.
SQL 6031
6031 Duplicate optimizer hint opt-hint was specified in the statement.
You specified one or more optimizer hints more than once in the SQL statement.
This is a warning message. The duplicate hints specified in the SQL statement were ignored.
Remove the duplicate hints and resubmit the statement.