Messages that report a Guardian file system error
For more information about messages that report a Guardian file system error, see the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. Information about the error can also be found using the TACL "error" command. This command can be either used directly from TACL, for example:
$DATA14 HANLON 10> error 73
0073 [EGUARDIAN LOCKED] The disk file
or record is locked.
or invoked from an OSS prompt:
/usr/mhanlon: gtacl -c 'error 73'
0073 [EGUARDIAN LOCKED] The disk file
or record is locked.
or invoked using mxci, with the "sh" command and gtacl:
>>sh gtacl -c 'error 73';
0073 [EGUARDIAN LOCKED] The disk file
or record is locked.