Trigger, UDR server, and language manager messages (11000 through 11399)
SQL 11001
11001 There are more than 256 triggers in this statement.
More than 256 triggers were encountered during the statement compilation, which is not supported.
The operation fails.
Either rewrite the statement so that fewer triggers are generated, or redesign the triggers so that the triggering graph is not as deep.
SQL 11002
11002 Trigger TriggerName on table TableName may be triggered recursively more than 16 times.
TriggerName is the name of one of the triggers in the triggering cycle;
TableName is the subject table name of trigger TriggerName.
During execution, a trigger was generated recursively more than 16 times.
The operation succeeds.
None. This message is a warning only.
SQL 11003
11003 Trigger TriggerName on table TableName was triggered recursively more than 16 times.
TriggerName is the name of one of the triggers in the triggering cycle;
TableName is the subject table name of trigger TriggerName.
During execution, a trigger was generated recursively more than 16 times.
The operation fails.
The threshold of 16 is hard-coded and cannot be changed. You can either rewrite your statement or redesign your triggers for less trigger recursion by adding conditions to your trigger actions.
SQL 11004
Database object can be materialized views or triggers.
You attempted to create a trigger or materialized view on a subject table with name length exceeding 122 characters. The maximum length of a user table is 128 characters. However, triggers and materialized view require an internal temporary table whose name is derived from the subject table name, which is an additional six characters.
The operation fails.
Drop and recreate the subject table with a name less than or equal to 122 characters, and then create the trigger or materialized view.
SQL 11006
11006 Use of rowsets with statements involving triggers is not supported.
As of the ABU SPR, this message is no longer generated.
Rowsets were used in a statement that is a trigger event.
The operation fails
Either remove the rowset from the statement or drop all triggers defined on the table and operation that caused the error. For example, if the operation is a delete, drop all delete triggers defined on the DELETE statement target table. If the triggers cannot be dropped, avoid the use of rowsets.
SQL 11010
11010 A BEFORE trigger works only at row granularity.
You attempted to specify a statement granularity for a BEFORE trigger, which is not supported.
The operation fails.
Either specify a row granularity or do not specify a granularity. Row granularity is the default for BEFORE triggers.
SQL 11011
11011 Only an UPDATE trigger may specify explicit columns.
You attempted to create an INSERT or DELETE trigger that has an explicit column list.
The operation fails.
Specify a trigger without the explicit column list.
SQL 11012
11012 An INSERT trigger cannot reference OLD values.
You attempted to create an INSERT trigger specifying an OLD transition variable.
The operation fails.
You cannot use the OLD transition variable with an INSERT trigger because there is no old image for a row to be inserted.
SQL 11013
11013 A DELETE trigger cannot reference NEW values.
You attempted to create a DELETE trigger specifying a NEW transition variable.
The operation fails.
You cannot use the NEW transition variable with a DELETE trigger because there is no new image for a row to be deleted.
SQL 11014
11014 A BEFORE trigger allows only SIGNAL and SET operations.
You attempted to create a BEFORE trigger with a trigger action other than SIGNAL or SET.
The operation fails.
If SET or SIGNAL does not work, determine whether an AFTER trigger is more appropriate for your application. If an AFTER trigger cannot be used, you will need to implement the action in your application.
SQL 11015
11015 An AFTER trigger does not support the SET operation.
You attempted to use the SET operation as an action for an after trigger.
The operation fails.
You cannot modify the transition name in an AFTER trigger. Use the UPDATE statement instead as an action for the trigger.
SQL 11016
11016 A BEFORE trigger that uses SET must have REFERENCING NEW clause.
You attempted to use the SET operation in a BEFORE trigger but the REFERENCING NEW clause is missing from the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
The operation fails.
Add a REFERENCING NEW clause to the CREATE TRIGGER statement and resubmit.
SQL 11017
11017 The left hand side of a SET assignment must be qualified with the name of the NEW transition variable.
You specified a SET operation as an action for your BEFORE trigger, but the SET assignment is to an identifier.
The operation fails.
Prefix the assignment to the SET operation with the NEW transition variable name and resubmit.
SQL 11018
11018 An empty or unsupported trigger action was specified.
An attempt was made during DDL to create an AFTER trigger with an unsupported action. In particular, this error is raised if the trigger action is a compound statement, an embedded DELETE, or an embedded UPDATE.
The operation fails.
Add an action to the trigger statement and use a supported action for the trigger. Before triggers support only SET and SIGNAL operations, while AFTER triggers support INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SIGNAL operations.
SQL 11019
11019 Only statement triggers can scan the transition table.
You attempted to create a row trigger that has a scan of the transition table either in its action or in its condition.
The operation fails.
Depending on your application, you can either recreate the trigger as a statement trigger, or scan from the subject table.
SQL 11020
11020 Ambiguous or invalid use of transition name name.
You attempted an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE from the transition table during the operation of a trigger. Transition tables are read-only.
The operation fails.
Correct the create trigger statement and resubmit.
SQL 11021
11021 The subject table name cannot be used in the REFERENCING clause.
You attempted to use the subject table name as a transition variable name.
The operation fails.
Use a different name for the transition variable name and resubmit.
SQL 11022
11022 Trigger action SET clause error. Column column-name is not a column in table table-name.
You attempted to create a trigger that had a triggered action with a SET operation that attempted to update or access a column that is not part of the subject table table-name.
The operation fails.
SQL 11024
11024 Specifying the same name, var-name, for both OLD and NEW is not allowed.
You attempted to create a trigger with a clause using the same name for both the NEW and OLD transition variables.
The operation fails.
Specify different names for the OLD and NEW transition variables and resubmit.
SQL 11025
11025 Insert, Update or Delete statement within a compound statement is not allowed as a trigger event.
An INSERT statement in a compound statement has as its target a trigger subject table on which INSERT triggers are defined.
An UPDATE statement in a compound statement has as its target a trigger subject columns on which UPDATE triggers are defined.
A DELETE statement in a compound statement has as its target a trigger subject table on which DELETE triggers are defined.
The operation fails.
Drop all triggers defined on the table and operation that caused the error. For example, if the operation is a DELETE, drop all DELETE triggers defined on the DELETE statement target table. If the triggers cannot be dropped, avoid performing compound statement operations on the subject tables (or columns).
SQL 11026
11026 SET ON ROLLBACK clause of Update or Delete statement is not allowed to update columns on which triggers are defined.
The target columns of the SET ON ROLLBACK clause of a SET ON ROLLBACK UPDATE statement are the subject columns of an UPDATE trigger.
The target columns of the SET ON ROLLBACK clause of a SET ON ROLLBACK DELETE statement are the subject columns of an UPDATE trigger.
The operation fails.
Drop all UPDATE triggers whose subject columns match those columns in the SET ON ROLLBACK clause of the SET ON ROLLBACK statement. Matching is satisfied if at least one of the columns updated by the SET ON ROLLBACK clause is the same as one of the subject columns of the trigger. If the triggers cannot be dropped, you might want to avoid performing SET ON ROLLBACK statements on the subject columns.
SQL 11027
11027 Embedded Insert, Update or Delete is not allowed as a trigger event.
An embedded INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement resulted in a trigger event.
The target table of an embedded DELETE statement is the subject table of a DELETE trigger.
The target columns of an embedded UPDATE statement are the subject columns of an UPDATE trigger.
The target columns of an embedded INSERT statement are the subject columns of an INSERT trigger.
The operation fails.
Drop all the triggers defined on the table and operation that caused the error. For example, if the operation is a DELETE, drop all DELETE triggers defined on the DELETE statement target table. If the triggers cannot be dropped, do not attempt these operations.
SQL 11028
11028 Action statement of trigger trigger-name on table subject-table-name has failed.
The execution of a trigger action statement failed.
The operation fails.
This error message will appear with another error message that states what statement has failed, why it failed, and how to recover.
SQL 11029
11029 Attempt to change the value of column column-name of a given row more than once in the same statement.
As of the ABU SPR, this message is no longer generated.
You attempted to change a column of a particular row from a particular table to two different values at two different instances. You have designed a set of triggers that can result in nondeterministic behavior.
The operation fails.
None. Redesign the triggers in such a way that this condition is not raised. This usually involves following the cascading of triggers and identifying when the column is being modified more than once. From error 11028, which was raised along with this error, you can identify the trigger that made the second change to the same column of a given row.
SQL 11030
11030 Trigger does not exist.
You attempted to drop or alter a trigger that does not exist.
The operation fails.
None, if the name of the trigger was entered correctly. Otherwise, correct the trigger name and resubmit.
SQL 11033
11033 Object name1cannot be dropped because it is being used by trigger name2.
You attempted to drop an object name that is being used by a trigger.
The operation fails.
If possible, drop the trigger first, and then drop the object. You can use the cascade option to drop the object, but you risk dropping all objects that use that object, including the triggers.
SQL 11034
11034 Triggers Temporary Table existed for table table-name.
You attempted a "drop table cascade" on a table that contains defined triggers.
The operation succeeds.
None. This message is a warning only.
SQL 11035
11035 Metadata tables cannot have triggers!
You attempted to create a trigger on a metadata table.
The operation fails.
SQL 11036
11036 No triggers are defined on table table-name.
You attempted to "alter trigger enable/disable all of" on a table that does not have triggers.
This message is a warning only. The operation succeeds.
SQL 11037
11037 A trigger cannot be defined on a view!
You attempted to create a trigger on a view.
The operation fails.
Abandon the operation or create a trigger on one of the view-based tables, if this is applicable to your application.
SQL 11038
11038 A trigger can be defined on base tables only!
You attempted to create a trigger on an object other than a user base table.
The operation fails.
SQL 11041
11041 The calculated key length is greater than the allowed limit of max-key-length bytes.
You attempted to create a trigger and one or more of the following conditions are true:
The primary key length of the temporary table (which must be created when the first trigger is created) is longer than the allowed maximum length.
The length of the temporary table name is longer than the maximum allowed user table name length.
The operation fails.
If the primary key length is too long, recreate your subject table with a primary key that is 12 bytes shorter than the maximum allowed primary key length. If the table name is too long, recreate your subject table with a name length that is six characters shorter than the maximum allowed table name length.
SQL 11042
11042 Trigger name already exists.
You attempted to create a trigger that exists.
The operation fails.
Specify a different trigger name and resubmit.
SQL 11046
11046 Host variables and dynamic parameters are not allowed in the action of a trigger.
You attempted to create a trigger that includes host variables or dynamic parameters in its action. This can happen when you specify CALL statements or compound actions as triggered actions.
The operation fails and the trigger is not created.
Rewrite the trigger so that host variables and dynamic parameters do not appear in the trigger action. Then retry the operation.
SQL 11049
11049 Illegal use of ROW or TABLE keyword in the REFERENCING clause. Use ROW with row triggers and TABLE with statement triggers.
You attempted to create a row trigger with a referencing clause that specifies the optional TABLE keyword, or you attempted to create a statement trigger with a referencing clause that specifies the optional ROW keyword specified.
The operation fails and the trigger is not created.
Correct the syntax so that a row trigger uses the ROW keyword in its referencing clause and a statement trigger uses the TABLE keyword in its referencing clause. You can remove the optional keyword because it can be implied from the "for each clause", if specified. If the optional keyword is not specified, the default is "row" trigger for BEFORE triggers and "statement" for AFTER triggers.
SQL 11055
11055 Trigger triggerName for table tableName could not be created due to circular dependency:otherTriggerName.
You attempted to create a trigger, which resulted in circular dependency.
The operation fails.
None. You cannot create a trigger that creates a circular dependency.
SQL 11060
11060 Trigger triggerName for table tableName could not be created due to circular dependency: otherTriggerName.
You attempted to create a trigger, which resulted in a circular dependency.
The operation fails.
None. You cannot create a trigger that creates a circular dependency.
SQL 11061
11061 Nested and Union queries are currently not supported in WHEN clause of AFTER trigger.
The WHEN clause consists of queries that are nested or union statements.
The operation fails.
Use only a simple one-level query in the WHEN clause.
SQL 11062
11062 Procedure with OUT or INOUT parameters are not supported in trigger action statement.
The trigger action of the CREATE TRIGGER statement includes a stored procedure using OUT or INOUT parameters.
The operation fails and the trigger is not created.
Rewrite the trigger to use stored procedures with only IN parameters in the trigger action.
SQL 11063
11063 The owner of trigger trigger-name must be the same as the owner of its subject table table-name.
trigger-name is the name of a trigger that is directly or indirectly affected by the command.
table-name is the name of the subject table for the trigger.
You attempted to create a trigger, or to change the ownership of a schema, or a trigger, in a way that would cause the trigger and its subject table to be owned by different users. That is not permitted.
Command execution fails.
For trigger creation: Create the trigger in a way that would cause it to have the same owner as its subject table. For example, create it in the same schema as the subject table.
For schema ownership change: Explicitly change the ownership of the trigger subject table before changing schema ownership.
For trigger ownership change: You cannot change ownership of a trigger directly.
SQL 11101
11101 MXUDR: Unknown message type: value.
The SQL/MX UDR Server received a request message with an unknown message type.
The request message is rejected and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11102
11102 MXUDR: Invalid UDR handle: string.
The SQL/MX UDR Server received a request for a stored procedure that is no longer present in the SQL/MX UDR Server context.
The request message is rejected and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11103
11103 MXUDR: Invalid routine handle: string.
The SQL/MX UDR Server encountered an internal error. Either an SQL/MX language manager operation failed or an SQL/MX UDR Server data structure was determined to be invalid.
The request message is rejected and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11104
11104 MXUDR: CLI Error: text.
The SQL/MX UDR Server encountered an unexpected error during an internal SQL/MX operation. The message text includes the name of the SQL/MX operation and the error code that was returned.
At completion, the stored procedure might display unexpected results or side effects.
Contact your service provider.
SQL 11105
11105 MXUDR: Invalid Language Manager parameter mode. Parameter: parameter-value.
The SQL/MX UDR Server encountered an internal error. An unexpected parameter mode value appeared in a request message.
The request message is rejected and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11108
11108 MXUDR: Unable to allocate memory for object object-name.
The SQL/MX UDR Server was not able to obtain enough memory to allocate the named object.
The request message is rejected and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Stop and start the client process to restart a new SQL/MX UDR Server, and retry the stored procedure call.
SQL 11110
11110 MXUDR: Unexpected error during message processing: string.
The SQL/MX UDR Server encountered an internal error. Details appear in the message text.
The operation fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11111
11111 MXUDR: Internal error: value.
The SQL/MX UDR Server received an incorrectly formatted message.
The request message is rejected, and the SQL/MX statement fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11113
11113 MXUDR: Internal error: An unexpected UNLOAD request arrived for UDR handle handle.
handle is an internal identifier generated by NonStop SQL/MX and used in messages to and from the SQL/MX UDR Server.
The SQL/MX UDR Server received a request out of sequence.
The operation succeeds. The request is cached and processed later in its proper sequence.
None. This is a warning message only.
SQL 11201
11201 Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Error occurred while loading Java class class-name.
Initialization of the language manager failed because a required Java class could not be loaded or because a required Java method was not found.
The operation fails.
Check the installation of the NonStop Server for Java product and the SQL/MX language manager. Verify the existence of the specified class. Stop and restart the session, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11202
11202 Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine.
Initialization of the language manager failed during creation of the Java Virtual Machine.
The operation fails.
Check the installation of the NonStop Server for Java product. Stop and restart the session, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11203
11203 The Language Manager failed to create its class loader, possibly due to corrupt mxlangman.jar file.
Initialization of the language manager failed during creation of an internal LmClassLoader object. This failure might have happened because the file
is missing or corrupted.
The operation fails.
The LmClassLoader class is part of the file
Verify that the file exists and has not been modified after installation. Stop and restart the session, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11204
11204 Unable to validate Java method ‘method-name' because a Java exception was encountered. Details: description.
method-name is the name of a Java method;
description is text further explaining the problem.
During a CREATE PROCEDURE operation, the specified Java method could not be located for verification purposes.
The operation fails.
Determine if the Java class file specified in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement exists. Determine if the Java method exists in the class file. The method must have the attributes public and static and must return void. Correct the class file or the method and resubmit.
SQL 11205
11205 Java class class-file-name was not found in external path path-name.
The class file did not exist in the given directory.
The operation fails.
Determine if the class file exists in the directory. If the SQL/MX statement is a CALL statement, determine if the class file was moved from the directory that was specified when the procedure was created. If the class file has been moved, either restore it to the original location, or drop the procedure and recreate it with the new location of the class file.
SQL 11206
11206 Java class class-file-name failed to initialize.
Initialization of the class failed, either because of a problem with a static code block in the class file or because the class file has an incorrect format.
The operation fails.
Determine if the class file exists in the directory. If the SQL/MX statement is a CALL statement, determine if the class file was moved from the directory that was specified when the procedure was created. If the static initialization code is correct, check that the class file was not modified after it was generated with the NonStop Server for Java
SQL 11207
11207 Java method method-name was not found in Java class class-file-name.
The Java method given in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement was not found in the class file or, if this is a CALL statement, the Java method corresponding to the stored procedure was not found in the class file.
The operation fails.
Verify that the Java method exists in the class file and that it has the public and static attributes, and then retry the SQL/MX statement. Use the NonStop Server for Java
utility to determine which methods exist in a given class file. If this is a CALL statement, determine if the class file was removed or modified after the stored procedure was created. If so, you might need to drop and recreate the stored procedure.
SQL 11208
11208 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The list of parameter types must be enclosed in parentheses.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the list of parameter types specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause was not enclosed in parentheses.
The operation fails.
Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11209
11209 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: the number of SQL parameters value must match the number of parameters in the specified signature.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the EXTERNAL NAME clause includes a Java signature, and the number of parameters in that signature does not match the number of parameters in the Java method.
The operation fails.
Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause and resubmit.
SQL 11210
11210 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Missing [] for OUT/INOUT parameter at position value.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the OUT, or INOUT parameter at the specified parameter position did not have opening and closing square brackets ([ ]) in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
The operation fails.
Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause and resubmit.
SQL 11211
11211 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown parameter type used at position value.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, an unknown or unsupported parameter type was used at the specified parameter position in the SQL parameter list or in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
The operation fails.
Correct the parameters in the parameter list or in the EXTERNAL NAME clause, and resubmit.
SQL 11212
11212 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Java signature size is more than supported.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the Java signature size exceeded the maximum supported size. The currently supported maximum Java signature size is 8,192 characters. Possible causes include an incorrect signature specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause or a large number of parameters in the Java method.
The operation fails.
Verify that your Java method signature size is less than the supported maximum, and resubmit.
SQL 11213
11213 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: A return type must not be specified.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a return type was given in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
The operation fails.
Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause and resubmit.
SQL 11214
11214 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown or unsupported type used as a return type.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, an unknown or unsupported return type was given in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
The operation fails.
Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause and resubmit.
SQL 11215
11215 Java execution: Invalid null input value at parameter position value.
A null value was supplied as input to a stored procedure in Java and the corresponding Java data type is a primitive type that does not support null values.
The operation fails.
Either correct the CALL statement so that the null value is not used, or change the Java data type of the parameter to the corresponding Java wrapper type. For example, if the Java data type is integer, change it to
. To change the Java data type, the procedure must be dropped and recreated.
SQL 11216
11216 Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position parameter number.
During execution of a CALL statement, numeric or string overflow occurred while processing the stored procedure output value returned in parameter parameter number.
The operation fails.
Increase the field size of the SQL data type for the specified parameter.
SQL 11217
11217 Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position parameter number. Value is truncated.
During execution of a CALL statement, numeric or string overflow occurred while processing the stored procedure output value returned in parameter parameter number.
None; this is a warning message.
Increase the field size of the SQL data type for the specified parameter.
SQL 11218
11218 A Java method completed with an uncaught Java exception. Details: string.
During execution of a CALL statement, a Java exception was thrown.
The operation fails.
Review the Java method. Determine whether it is appropriate in your application for this exception to be thrown or whether it should be caught and handled by your user-defined routine. Retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11219
11219 A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException. The uncaught exception had a SQLCODE of value1 and SQLSTATE of value2. Details: string.
During execution of a CALL statement, an SQL error occurred and a Java exception was thrown.
The operation fails.
Review the Java method. Determine whether it is appropriate in your application for this exception to be thrown or whether it should be caught and handled by your user-defined routine. Retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11220
11220 A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException with invalid SQLSTATE. The uncaught exception had a SQLCODE of SQLCODE-value and SQLSTATE of SQLSTATE-value. Details: string.
During execution of a CALL statement, an SQL error occurred and a Java exception was thrown.
The operation fails.
Review the Java method. Determine whether it is appropriate in your application for this exception to be thrown or whether it should be caught and handled by your user-defined routine. Retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11221
11221 Language Manager is out of memory string.
The language manager could not acquire enough memory to complete its work on the SQL/MX statement.
The operation fails.
Stop and restart the session and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11222
11222 The operation failed because the Java Virtual Machine ran out of memory.
The Java Virtual Machine, hosted by an SQL/MX UDR Server, did not have enough memory to execute a Java method. This error condition will be accompanied by another condition that shows when the Java Virtual Machine encountered the error.
The operation fails.
Stop and restart the session and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11223
11223 Language Manager encountered an internal error detail text.
The language manager encountered an unexpected internal error. More information appears in detail text.
The operation fails.
None. Report the entire message to your service provider.
SQL 11224
11224 The Java virtual machine raised an exception. Details: detail text.
The Java Virtual Machine encountered an internal error and raised an exception. More information appears in detail text. Also see the errors that accompany this message for more information.
The operation fails.
Perform whatever corrective action is required to eliminate the Java exception. Stop and restart the session, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11225
11225 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The Java signature for a Java main method must be (java.lang.string[]).
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, an invalid Java signature was used in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
The operation fails.
The Java signature for a Java
method must be (java.lang.String[]
). Correct the EXTERNAL NAME clause, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11226
11226 All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must have a parameter mode of IN.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the Java method specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause was a Java
method, and an OUT or INOUT parameter was declared in the SQL parameter list. All SQL parameters associated with Java
methods must be IN parameters.
The operation fails.
Correct the SQL parameter list, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11227
11227 All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must be a SQL character type.
In a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the Java method specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause was a Java
method, and a noncharacter SQL data type was used in SQL parameter list. All SQL parameters associated with Java
methods must have a character data type.
The operation fails.
Correct the SQL parameter list, and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11228
11228 Floating point conversion error detail text.
An error occurred in the language manager while converting an input value from the TNS to IEEE floating point format, or while converting an output value from the IEEE to TNS floating point format. More information appears in detail text.
If this is an error, the SQL/MX statement fails. If this is a warning, floating-point data is truncated or floating-point precision is reduced.
Increase the field size of the receiving field.
SQL 11229
11229 The Java Virtual Machine produced the following output: jvm-terminal-output.
jvm-terminal-output is diagnostic information generated by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and written to the terminal of an SQL/MX UDR Server process.
The JVM in the SQL/MX UDR Server could be successfully started and the jvm-terminal-output text was captured. See also the errors that accompany this message for more information.
The operation fails.
Perform whatever corrective action is required to eliminate the JVM startup errors. Stop and restart the session and retry the SQL/MX statement.
SQL 11230
11230 Multiple compatible methods named method-name were found in class class-name.
method-name is the Java method name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, multiple SPJ methods were found in the specified Java class. Each SPJ method was named
and had a Java type signature matching the declared SQL parameter types. If the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause specified a value greater than zero, each method also had one or more trailing java.sql.ResultSet[]
The operation fails.
You have two options. Ensure that exactly one SPJ method with the required attributes exists in the specified class file. Or, direct SQL/MX to choose a specific SPJ method by specifying that method's Java type signature in the EXTERNAL NAME clause. Resubmit the statement.
SQL 11231
11231 The method method-name(signature) was not found in or is not a public method of class-name.
signature is a Java type signature;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the SPJ method could not be found in the specified Java class. The SPJ method must be named
and must have a Java type signature matching the declared SQL parameter types. If the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause specifies a value greater than zero, the SPJ method must also have one or more trailing
The operation fails.
Ensure that the SPJ method exists in the specified class file, and then resubmit.
SQL 11232
11232 The method method-name in class class-name is not defined as static.
method-name is the Java method name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a method named method-name was found in the specified Java class, but the method did not have the static attribute.
The operation fails.
Correct the signature of the SPJ method, and then resubmit.
SQL 11233
11233 The return type for method method-name in class class-name is not void.
method-name is the Java method name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a method named method-name was found in the specified Java class, but the method had a return type other than void.
The operation fails.
Correct the signature of the SPJ method, and then resubmit.
SQL 11234
11234 The method method-name(signature) was not found in Java class class-name.
method-name is the Java method name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement;
signature is a Java type signature;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the SPJ method could not be found in the specified Java class. The SPJ method must be named
and must have a Java type signature matching the declared SQL parameter types. If the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause specifies a value greater than 0 (zero), the SPJ method must also have one or more trailing
The operation fails.
Ensure that the SPJ method exists in the specified class file, and resubmit.
SQL 11235
11235 The Language Manager encountered an unexpected error trying to retrieve information for the result set at position parameter-position in the Java method signature.
During the execution of a CALL statement, an SPJ method returned result sets but the result sets could not be processed because the language manager encountered an unexpected error trying to retrieve the information for the result set at position parameter-position in the Java method signature.
The operation fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Hewlett Packard Enterprise support will perform recovery operations in response to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 11236
11236 Stored procedure procedure-name attempted to return too many result sets. The maximum number of result sets this procedure can return is max-results, and the procedure body attempted to return attempted-results.
procedure-name is the ANSI name of a stored procedure;
max-results is the maximum number of result sets that the procedure can return;
attempted-results is the actual number of result sets that the SPJ method attempted to return.
During the execution of a CALL statement, the number of result sets returned from an SPJ method exceeds the procedure's declared maximum. The declared maximum was specified in the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
Additional result sets are discarded.
None. This message is issued as a warning. If desired, change the SPJ method to return fewer result sets, or recreate the procedure with a higher value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS.
SQL 11237
11237 Stored procedure procedure-name attempted to return result sets but the JDBC/MX driver in the SPJ environment does not support stored procedure result sets.
During the execution of a CALL statement, an SPJ method returned result sets but the result sets could not be processed because the version of JDBC/MX in the SPJ environment does not support stored procedure result sets.
The operation fails.
Change the version of JDBC/MX in the SPJ environment to one that supports stored procedure result sets.
SQL 11238
11238 Stored procedure procedure-name attempted to return one or more result sets containing large object data.
During the execution of a CALL statement, an SPJ method returned a result set to SQL/MX and the result set added large object data. The large object data types, BLOB and CLOB, are not native data types in SQL/MX and are not supported as stored procedure result set column types.
The operation fails.
Change the SPJ method, which will not return result sets containing large object data.
SQL 11239
11239 No compatible methods method-name were found in Java class class-name.
method-name is the Java method name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement;
class-name is the Java class name specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
During the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement that includes a DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause that specifies a value greater than 0 (zero), an SPJ method having one or more trailing result sets could not be found in the specified Java class. The SPJ method must be named
and must have a Java type signature that matches the declared SQL parameter types. If the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause specifies a value greater than zero, the SPJ method must also have one or more trailing
The operation fails.
Ensure that the SPJ method exists in the specified class file, and resubmit.
SQL 11240
11240 Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Parameter at position index is not java.sql.ResultSet[].
index is the ordinal position of the parameter specified in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
The parameter at position
index is not
The operation fails.
Ensure that the specified signature trailing parameters are specified as Java type
, and resubmit.
SQL 11241
11241 Stored procedure procedure-name attempted to return result sets but the JDBC/MX driver in the SPJ environment has an incompatible version of stored procedure result sets interface. The JDBC/MX driver's interface version is ver2 and the expected version is ver1 or lower.
procedure-name is the ANSI name of a stored procedure;
ver1 and ver2 are the SPJ RS interface version numbers of the JDBC/MX driver.
The SPJRS version returned by the JDBC/MX driver to the language manager is not less than or equal to the version specified in the language manager. The incorrect stored procedure result sets interface throws an error 11241. This is an internal check to ensure that there is no version mismatch with JDBC/MX driver interface.
The operation fails.
None. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11242
11242 The Language Manager encountered a java.sql.SQLException while accessing a java.sql.ResultSet row.
While processing a stored procedure result set, the language manager was unable to retrieve the next row from the JDBC Type 4 Driver (server-side) because the method
threw an exception.
The operation fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11243
11243 The Language Manager encountered a java.sql.SQLException while retrieving the value of column column-number from a java.sql.ResultSet row.
While processing a stored procedure result set, the language manager was unable to access the specified column value in a row retrieved from the JDBC Type driver (server-side) because a
getter method (getLong, getString, and so on) threw an exception.
The operation fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.
SQL 11244
11244 The Language Manager encountered invalid character data in column column-number of a java.sql.ResultSet row.
While processing a stored procedure result set, the language manager was unable to process a DECIMAL value at the specified column position because the value contained a character other than a digit.
The operation fails.
Do not attempt recovery. Contact your service provider.