bfd detect-multiplier
Use bfd detect-multiplier to set the single-hop detection time multiplier.
Use undo bfd detect-multiplier to restore the default.
bfd detect-multiplier value
undo bfd detect-multiplier
The single-hop detection time multiplier is 5.
Interface view, BFD template view
Predefined user roles
value: Specifies a single-hop detection time multiplier in the range of 3 to 50.
Usage guidelines
The detection time multiplier determines the maximum number of concurrent BFD packets (including control packets and echo packets) that can be discarded.
Table 45: Detection interval calculation method
Mode | Detection interval |
Echo packet mode | Detection time multiplier of the sender × actual packet sending interval of the sender |
Control packet mode BFD session in asynchronous mode | Detection time multiplier of the receiver × actual packet sending interval of the receiver |
Control packet mode BFD session in demand mode | Detection time multiplier of the sender × actual packet sending interval of the sender |
# Set the single-hop detection time multiplier to 6 on VLAN-interface 11.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] interface vlan-interface 11 [Sysname-Vlan-interface11] bfd detect-multiplier 6