bfd echo enable

Use bfd echo enable to enable the echo packet mode.

Use undo bfd echo enable to restore the default.


bfd echo [ receive | send ] enable

undo bfd echo [ receive | send ] enable


The echo packet mode is disabled.


Interface view

Predefined user roles



receive: Specifies the echo packet receiving capability.

send: Specifies the echo packet sending capability.

Usage guidelines

If you enable the echo packet mode for a BFD session in which control packets are sent and the session comes up, BFD does the following:

To enable only the echo packet receiving capability, use the bfd echo receive enable command.

To enable only the echo packet sending capability, use the bfd echo send enable command.

If you do not specify the receive or send keyword, the command enables both the echo packet receiving and sending capabilities.

If you configure both the bfd detect-interface and bfd echo enable commands for an interface, only the bfd detect-interface command takes effect.


# Enable the echo packet mode on VLAN-interface 11.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 11
[Sysname-Vlan-interface11] bfd echo enable