bfd demand enable

Use bfd demand enable to enable the Demand BFD session mode.

Use undo bfd demand enable to restore the default.


bfd demand enable

undo bfd demand enable


The BFD session is in Asynchronous mode.


Interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

In Demand mode, the device periodically sends BFD control packets. If the peer end is operating in Asynchronous mode (default), the peer end stops sending BFD control packets. If the peer end is operating in Demand mode, both ends stop sending BFD control packets. When the connectivity to another system needs to be verified explicitly, a system sends several BFD control packets that have the Poll (P) bit set at the negotiated transmit interval. If no response is received within the detection interval, the session is considered down. If the connectivity is found to be up, no more BFD control packets are sent until the next command is issued.

In Asynchronous mode, the device periodically sends BFD control packets. The device considers that the session is down if it does not receive any BFD control packets within a specific interval.


# Enable the Demand BFD session mode on VLAN-interface 11.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 11
[Sysname-Vlan-interface11] bfd demand enable