Deploying image service

  • Ensure the customer IP is reachable to the data switch.

  • Ensure BIOS settings are applied on all the servers.

  • Ensure that all the image is present in the NPS toolkit VM under the /var/nps/ISO directory.

  • Ensure that the proxy is not set in the environment variables. To disable the proxy, run the commands:
    unset http_proxy
    unset https_proxy
  1. Run the following command from the NPS toolkit VM to bring up the image service pod for the installation of worker node:
    nps baremetal -a install -nos <nos_type> -l debug

    Where, nos is Network Operating System and the supported <nos_type> is cumulus or aruba.


    For any installation issue, check the log file /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/baremetal_install.log and take necessary steps.

  2. When the image service pod is up and running, power on the worker node to install. To power on the worker node with onetime pxe boot, run the following command with worker iLO IP address:
    nps baremetal -a temp-pxeboot -sl <new worker iLO IP1, new worker iLO IP2, and so on.,> -l debug

    Wait until the OS is installed on the node.

  3. Verify and patch the status of the node using the following command:
    nps show --service baremetal