Updating the switch software to a new version

Updating the switch software

Process overview:

  1. Go to the Networking website (http://www.hpe.com/networking/support) to download the new switch software file.

    HPE periodically provides switch software updates through the Networking website. Check the website frequently for the latest software version available for your switch.

  2. Review the Best practices, recommendations, and precautions.

  3. Backup your configuration, as specified in Backing up your current configuration and image.

  4. Do one of the following to download and install the new switch software:

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Downloading new software does not change the current switch configuration. The switch configuration is contained in a separate file that can also be transferred, for example, to archive or to be used in another switch of the same model.

Backing up your current configuration and image

  1. Save your current configuration (Config1) to backup configuration file (Config2).

    1. Before copying the config, verify the current state of your system using the show version, show flash and show config files commands. For example:

      Switch1# show version
      Image stamp:   /sw/code/build/btm(t4a)
                     Nov 6 2009 13:20:26
      Boot Image:    Primary
      Switch1# show flash
      Image           Size(Bytes)   Date    Version
      ------          -----------  -------  -------
      Primary Image   : 9839140    11/06/09 K.14.47
      Secondary Image : 0
      Boot Rom Version: K.12.20
      Default Boot    : Primary
      Switch1# show config files
      Configuration files:
       id | act pri sec | name
        1 | *    *   *  | config1
        2 |             | 
        3 |             | 
    2. Create a backup configuration file and verify the change.

      Switch1# copy config config1 config config2
      Switch1# show config files
      Configuration files:
       id | act pri sec | name
        1 | *    *   *  | config1
        2 |             | config2
        3 |             | 
  2. Save the current config to a tftp server using the copy tftp command. For example:

    Switch1# copy startup-config tftp

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: This step is necessary because switches do not support roll back (going from a newer software version to an older software version) without the ability to copy a backup config file onto the device.

  3. Back up your current running image (primary) to the secondary image.

    Switch1# copy flash flash secondary
    Switch1# show flash
    Image           Size(Bytes)   Date    Version
    ------          -----------  -------  -------
    Primary Image   :  9839140   11/06/09 K.14.47
    Secondary Image :  9839140   11/06/09 K.14.47
    Boot Rom Version: K.12.20
    Default Boot    : Primary
  4. Set your secondary image to boot with Config2.

    Switch1# startup-default secondary config config2 
    Switch1# show config files
    Configuration files:
     id | act pri sec | name
      1 | *    *      | config1
      2 |          *  | config2
      3 |             | 

    This step will enable you to revert from the new software version to your previous software version (K.14.47 in the examples shown in steps 1 through 3) with your previous configuration just by invoking the command boot system flash secondary.

Downloading and installing software from a TFTP server

  1. Use the following command, specifying the filename and the primary or secondary flash destination:

    copy tftp flash <ip-address> <remote-os-file> [ primary | secondary ]

    Note that if you do not specify the flash destination, the TFTP download defaults to the primary flash.

    For example, to download a software file named K_15_10_0001.swi from a TFTP server with the IP address of to the primary flash destination, execute the copy command as shown below:

    switch# copy tftp flash K_15_10_0001.swi
    The primary OS image will be deleted. continue
    continue[y/n]? Y
  2. When the switch finishes downloading the software file from the server, it displays the progress message

    Validating and Writing System Software to FLASH...
  3. When the CLI prompt reappears, the switch is ready to reboot to activate the downloaded software:

    1. Use the show flash command to verify that the new software version is in the expected flash area (primary or secondary).

    2. Reboot the switch from the flash area (primary or secondary) that holds the new software, using the following command:

      boot system flash [ primary | secondary ]

      After the switch reboots, it displays the CLI or Main Menu, depending on the Logon Default setting last configured in the menu’s Switch Setup screen.

  4. Verify the software version by displaying the system information for the switch (for example, through the show system-information command), and viewing the Software revision field.

Downloading and installing software from a PC or Unix workstation


Before you download and install software from a PC or Unix workstation, insure that:

  • The switch is connected via the Console RS-232 port to a PC operating as a terminal. (See your switch Installation and Getting Started Guide for information on connecting a PC as a terminal and running the switch console interface.)

  • The switch software is stored on a disk drive in the PC.

  • The terminal emulator you are using includes the Xmodem binary transfer feature. (For example, in the HyperTerminal application included with most Windows systems, the Send File option in the Transfer drop-down menu supports the Xmodem protocol.)

Downloading and installing software from a PC or Unix workstation

To download software from a PC or Unix workstation:

  1. To reduce the download time, you may want to increase the baud rate in your terminal emulator and in the switch to a value such as 115,200 bits per second. (The baud rate must be the same in both devices.) For example, to change the baud rate in the switch to 115200, execute this command:

    switch(config)# console baud-rate 115200

    (If you use this option, be sure to set your terminal emulator to the same baud rate.)

    Changing the console baud-rate requires saving to the Startup Config with the write memory command. Alternatively, you can log out of the switch and change your terminal emulator speed and allow the switch to Auto-Detect your new higher baud rate (that is, 115,200 bps)

  2. Use the following CLI command, specifying the primary or secondary flash destination:

    copy xmodem flash [ primary | secondary ]

    For example, the following command specifies the primary flash destination:

    switch# copy xmodem flash primary
    The primary OS image will be deleted. continue [y/n]? Y
    Press ‘Enter’ and start XMODEM on your host...
  3. Execute the terminal emulator commands to begin the Xmodem transfer. For example, using HyperTerminal:

    1. Click Transfer, then Send File.

    2. Type the file path and name in the Filename field.

    3. In the Protocol field, select Xmodem.

    4. Click Send button.

    The download can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate used in the transfer.

  4. If you increased the baud rate on the switch (1), use the same command to return it to its previous setting. (A baud rate of 9600 bits per second is recommended for most applications.) Remember to return your terminal emulator to the same baud rate as the switch.

  5. Use the show flash command to verify that the new software version is in the expected flash area (primary or secondary).

  6. Reboot the switch from the flash area (primary or secondary) that holds the new software, using the following command:

    boot system flash [ primary | secondary ]

    After the switch reboots, it displays the CLI or Main Menu, depending on the Logon Default setting last configured in the menu’s Switch Setup screen.

Downloading and installing software from a USB flash drive


Before you download and install software from a USB flash drive, insure that:

  • The software version is stored on the USB flash drive and you know the file name (such as K_15_10_0001.swi).

  • The USB flash drive is properly installed in the USB port on the switch.

  • The USB flash drive is supported. Some USB flash drives may not be supported on your switch. For information on USB device compatibility, see the networking support (http://www.hpe.com/networking/support).

Downloading and installing software from a USB flash drive

To download software from a USB flash drive:

  1. Use the following CLI command, specifying the filename and the primary or secondary flash destination:

    copy usb flash <filename> [ primary | secondary ]

    For example, to download a software file named K_15_10_0001.swi from a USB flash drive to the secondary flash destination, execute the command as shown below:

    switch# copy usb flash K_15_10_0001.swi secondary
    The secondary OS image will be deleted. continue
    [y/n]? Y
  2. When the switch finishes downloading the software file from the server, it displays the progress message:

    Validating and Writing System Software to FLASH...
  3. When the CLI prompt reappears, the switch is ready to reboot to activate the downloaded software:

    1. Use the show flash command to verify that the new software version is in the expected flash area (primary or secondary).

    2. Reboot the switch from the flash area (primary or secondary) that holds the new software, using the following command:

      boot system flash [ primary | secondary ]

      After the switch reboots, it displays the CLI or Main Menu, depending on the Logon Default setting last configured in the menu’s Switch Setup screen.

  4. Verify the software version by displaying the system information for the switch (for example, through the show system-information command), and viewing the Software revision field.

Best practices, recommendations, and precautions

Best practices for software updates

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: With version K.15.01.0031 and later software, you will notice a slight change in the versioning system.

Software updates that contain significant new features and enhancements may be designated by an increment to both the major and minor release version numbers. That is, K.15.01.0031 represents a major update to software version(s) K.14.xx, and K.14.xx represents a major update to K.13.xx, and so forth. In addition, a future version (such as K.15.02.xxxx) may represent a minor release to version K.15.01.xxxx, but may still contain significant changes. To mitigate against potential migration issues when performing such updates, this section documents best practices for updating the switch, including contingency procedures for rolling back to previous software versions and saved configurations.

Recommendations and precautions for software updates

Before you update the switch software to a new version:

  • We strongly recommend that you save a copy of your config file to an external location.

  • We advise against rolling back (going from a newer software version to an older software version) without copying a backup config file to the device.

If you do choose to downgrade software using your existing config file, unpredictable changes in the config file and switch behavior may occur. If booting a K.15.01.0031 or later config file into a K.14.xx or earlier versions of software, the following commands may be removed from your config file:

  • Any commands that are present in K.15.01.0031 (or later) but are not present in earlier versions of software

  • logging

  • snmp-server

  • mirror-session

  • auto-tftp

  • filter source-port

  • fault-finder

  • interface loopback

After following these steps, you end up with the following results:

  • Primary image will hold the new software image you want to install (for example, K.15.01.0031)

  • Secondary image will hold the image you are currently running (for example, K.14.47)

  • Primary image will boot with Config1 (config file corresponding to new software version—in this example, K.15.01.0031)

  • Secondary image will boot with Config2* (config file corresponding to previous software version—in this example, K.14.47)

* The current config file must be copied to Config2, or you will be unable to revert if the need arises.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: You might opt to use a different methodology in which the new software will be installed as the secondary and not the primary image, in which case you would use the commands boot system flash secondary, and/or boot set-default flash secondary to change the location of the default boot. However, since you will still need to take precautions to allow you to revert to your previous configuration. We strongly recommend that you follow the methods that are proposed in our update process. This will ensure that you can use our proposed rollback procedures if the need arise.