Tracing the route from the switch to a host address

This command outputs information for each (router) hop between the switch and the destination address. Note that every time you execute traceroute, it uses the same default settings unless you specify otherwise for that instance of the command.


traceroute [ ip-address | hostname ] [maxttl 1-255] [minttl 1-255] [probes 1-5] [source [ ip-address | source-vlan vid | loopback 0-7 ]] [dstport 1-34000] [srcport 1-34000] [ip-option [ record-route | loose-source-route | strict-source-route | include-timestamp | include-timestamp-and-address | include timestamp-from ]] [timeout 1-120]

Lists the IP address or hostname of each hop in the route, plus the time in microseconds for the traceroute packet reply to the switch for each hop.

Stopping an ongoing traceroute search

Press the [Ctrl] [C] keys.


A low maxttl causes traceroute to halt before reaching the destination address

Executing traceroute with its default values for a destination IP address that is four hops away produces a result similar to this:

A completed traceroute enquiry

A completed traceroute enquiry

Continuing from the previous example (A completed traceroute enquiry), executing traceroute with an insufficient maxttl for the actual hop count produces an output similar to this:

Incomplete traceroute because of low maxttl setting

Incomplete traceroute because of low maxttl setting

If a network condition prevents traceroute from reaching the destination

Common reasons for traceroute failing to reach a destination include:

  • Timeouts (indicated by one asterisk per probe, per hop)

  • Unreachable hosts

  • Unreachable networks

  • Interference from firewalls

  • Hosts configured to avoid responding

Executing traceroute where the route becomes blocked or otherwise fails results in an output marked by timeouts for all probes beyond the last detected hop. For example, with a maximum hop count of 7 (maxttl = 7), where the route becomes blocked or otherwise fails, the output appears similar to this:

Traceroute failing to reach the destination address

Traceroute failing to reach the destination address