Displaying RPVST+ statistics and configuration

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: RPVST+ is a superset of the STP/802.1D and RSTP/802.1w protocols, and uses the RPVST+ MIB (hpicfRpvst).

Displaying RPVST+ global statistics

Displaying global and VLAN spanning tree status


show spanning-tree

Displays the switch’s global and VLAN spanning tree status.

Displaying the switch's global and VLAN spanning tree status

switch#: show spanning-tree

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled          [No] : Yes
  Mode                      : RPVST
  Extended System ID        : Disabled
  Ignore PVID Inconsistency : Disabled
  RPVST Enabled VLANs       : 10,20

  Switch MAC Address        : 0024a8-d13a40
  Root Guard Ports          :
  Loop Guard Ports          :
  TCN Guard Ports           :
  BPDU Protected Ports      : 23-24
  BPDU Filtered Ports       : 23-24
  Auto Edge Ports           : 1-24,A1-A4
  Admin Edge Ports          :

  VLAN  Root Mac        Root       Root       Root                 Hello
  ID    Address         Priority   Path-Cost  Port                 Time(sec)
  ----- --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------
  10    0024a8-d13a40   32,768     0          This switch is root  2
  20    0024a8-d13a40   32,768     0          This switch is root  2

Displaying status for a specific VLAN


show spanning-tree vlan <vlan-id>

Displays detailed spanning tree information for the VLAN and the ports belonging to the specified VLAN.

Displaying status for a specific VLAN

switch#: show spanning-tree vlan 20

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled              [No] : Yes
  Mode                          : RPVST
  Extended System ID            : Disabled
  Ignore PVID Inconsistency    : Disabled
  Switch MAC Address            : 0024a8-d13a40

  VLAN ID                       : 20
  RPVST Enabled                 : Enabled

  Root MAC Address              : 0024a8-d13a40
  Root Priority                 : 32,768
  Root Path Cost                : 0
  Root Port                     : This switch is root
  Operational Hello Time (secs) : 2
  Topology Change Count         : 38
  Time Since Last Change        : 23 hours

  Port  Type       Cost   Priority  Role       State      Bridge
  ----- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
  9     100/1000T  20000  128       Designated Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40
  21    100/1000T  20000  128       Designated Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40
  22    100/1000T  20000  128       Designated Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40
  23    100/1000T  200000 128       Designated Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40
  24    100/1000T  0      128                  Disabled

Displaying status for a specific port list


show spanning-tree <port-list>

Displays the spanning tree status for the designated ports. You can list data for a series of ports and port trunks by specifying the first and last port or trunk of any consecutive series of ports and trunks. For example, to display data for port 20-24 and trk1, you would use this command: show spanning-tree 20-42,trk1

Displaying status for a specific port list

switch#: show spanning-tree 22

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled    [No] : Yes
  Mode                : RPVST
  RPVST Enabled VLANs : 10,20

  Switch MAC Address  : 0024a8-d13a40

  Port                   : 22
  Status                 : Up           Port Type           : 100/1000T
  BPDU Protection        : No           BPDU Filtering      : No
  Root Guard             : No           TCN Guard           : No
  Loop Guard             : No           Admin Edge Port     : No
  Admin PointToPoint MAC : Yes

  VLAN   Port       Port      Port       Designated    Hello Oper  Oper
  ID     Path-Cost  Priority  State      Bridge        Time  Edge  PtP
  ------ ---------- --------- ---------- ------------- ----- ----- ------
  20     20000      128       Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40 2     No    Yes
  25     200000     128       Forwarding 002347-587b80 2     Yes   Yes

Displaying status per-port per-VLAN


show spanning-tree <port-list> vlan <vlan-id>

Displays detailed information for ports in the port-list in the given VLAN. This command further filters the output for show spanning-tree <port-list>.

Displaying status per-port per-VLAN

switch#: show spanning-tree 22 vlan 20

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled    [No] : Yes
  Mode                : RPVST
  RPVST Enabled VLANs : 10,20

  Switch MAC Address  : 0024a8-d13a40

  Port                   : 22
  Status                 : Up           Port Type           : 100/1000T
  BPDU Protection        : No           BPDU Filtering      : No
  Root Guard             : No           TCN Guard           : No
  Loop Guard             : No           Admin Edge Port     : No
  Admin PointToPoint MAC : Yes

  VLAN   Port       Port      Port       Designated    Hello Oper  Oper
  ID     Path-Cost  Priority  State      Bridge        Time  Edge  PtP
  ------ ---------- --------- ---------- ------------- ----- ----- ------
  20     20000      128       Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40 2     No    Yes

Displaying BPDU status and related information


show spanning-tree bpdu-protection <port-list>

Displays the BPDU protection state and errant BPDU count for ports in the port list.

Displaying BPDU status in show spanning tree output

switch#: show spanning-tree 22

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled    [No] : Yes
  Mode                : RPVST
  RPVST Enabled VLANs : 10,20

  Switch MAC Address  : 0024a8-d13a40

  Port                   : 22
  Status                 : Up           Port Type           : 100/1000T
  BPDU Protection        : No           BPDU Filtering      : No
  Root Guard             : No           TCN Guard           : No
  Loop Guard             : No           Admin Edge Port     : No
  Admin PointToPoint MAC : Yes

  VLAN   Port       Port      Port       Designated    Hello Oper  Oper
  ID     Path-Cost  Priority  State      Bridge        Time  Edge  PtP
  ------ ---------- --------- ---------- ------------- ----- ----- ------
  20     20000      128       Forwarding 0024a8-d13a40 2     No    Yes

Displaying BPDU protection status on specific ports

switch#: show spanning-tree bpdu-protection 11-12,21-24

 Status and Counters - STP BPDU Protection Information

 BPDU Protection Timeout (sec) : 60
 BPDU Protected Ports : 23-24

  Port   Type      Protection State             Errant BPDUs
  ------ --------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
  11     100/1000T No                           0
  12     100/1000T No                           0
  21     100/1000T No                           0
  22     100/1000T No                           0
  23     100/1000T Yes                          0
  24     100/1000T Yes                          0

Displaying RPVST+ VLAN and vPort system limits

Each switch model supports a maximum number of active virtual ports (vPorts). New port VLAN memberships cannot be created once the vPort limit has been reached. Also, there is a maximum recommended number of active vPorts for each fixed-port switch or each module in a chassis switch. Exceeding the maximum recommended number of vPorts can result in dropped BPDUs and potential network loops. This command displays the current vPort status and maximum recommended vPort total per-switch or, for modular switches, per-module.


show spanning-tree system-limits rapid-pvst

Displays the RPVST+ VLAN and virtual port (vPort) status on the switch.

Virtual Port Data Fields

vPort data field Description
Count of Total Virtual Ports The count of active vPorts (ports per VLAN) plus the count of non-active vPorts (all ports that belong to trunks).
Maximum Allowed Virtual Ports The total of the system-created vPort instances plus the maximum user-assignable vPort instances. Each port on the switch belongs to at least one VLAN (VLAN-1 by default), which is a system-created vPort instance. The user-assigned VPORT instances are in addition to the system-assigned vPort instances. The show spanning-tree system-limits rapid-pvst command combines the system-created vPort instances and the user-assigned maximum vPort instances when calculating the maximum allowed virtual ports.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Each user-configured trunk on the switch increments this value by 1.

Current Virtual Ports The number of ports that are members of each VLAN on a per-module basis (or a per-group of ports basis).
Operational Virtual Ports The number of ports belonging to each PVST-enabled VLAN on a per-module basis (or a per-group of ports basis). This value should not exceed the recommended maximum vPort limit.
Recommended Maximum Virtual Ports The maximum recommended number of vPort instances that should be allowed on the switch. Exceeding this limit can potentially result in received BPDUs being dropped.

Configuring vPorts

Virtual ports on a switch are calculated as ports per-VLAN. Also, a trunk membership on one or more VLANs counts as one vPort per-VLAN, regardless of how many physical ports belong to the trunk. For example, the following configuration on a modular chassis results in 26 vPorts.

trunk 1,2 trk1
vlan 1
   name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
   untagged 3-24
   no untagged trk1
vlan 20
   ip address
   name "VLAN20"
   tagged trk1
vlan 30
   ip address
   name "VLAN30"
   tagged 13,14,trk1
  Module “A” Module “B” Module “C” Total vPorts on the Switch
VLAN 1 22 (A3 - A24) 23 (B2 - B24 24 (C1 - C24)  
VLAN 20 1 (trk1: A1 - A2)[a] 1 (trk1: B1)[a] 0  
VLAN 30 2 (A13 - A14) 1 (trk1: A1 - A2)[a] 2 (B13 - B14) 1 (trk1: B1)[a] 0  
vPorts per-module 26 27 24 77

[a] A trunk in a given VLAN counts as one vPort for each module on which it occurs.

Exceeding a vPort recommended maximum

In a modular switch, if the vPort count for a given module exceeds the recommended limit for that module, a warning message is displayed in the CLI and an Event Log message is generated. Also, the total vPort count on a switch cannot exceed the maximum vPort count for the switch.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: The output of show spanning-tree system-limits rapid-pvst shows a Maximum Allowed Virtual Ports value as a larger number than the values quoted in this table. This is because each port on the switch belongs to at least one VLAN (VLAN-1 by default) and this is a system created vPort instance.

Calculating non-active vPorts

Every port that is part of a manually configured trunk is counted as a non-active (reserved) vPort. For example, the ports in the following configuration are all non-active vPorts:

trunk 1, 2 trk1
trunk 3-5 trk2 lacp
trunk 17-20 trk3 dt-lacp

Calculating per-module vPorts on chassis switches

In addition to the switch-wide active vPort count, there is a vPort count per port module determined by the number of ports per line card that are members of each VLAN. Also, on modular switches, if a VLAN includes a trunk configured with ports on more than one module, then one vPort is counted for each module on which the trunk exists (regardless of how many ports are included in the trunk.) For example, in the following configuration, VLANs 1, 20, and 30 have a total of 74 vPorts.

trunk A1,A2,B1 trk1
vlan 1
    name “DEFAULT_VLAN”
    untagged A3-A24, B2-B24
    no untagged trk1
vlan 20
    ip address
    name “VLAN20”
    tagged A3-A12, B2-B12, trk1
vlan 30
    ip address 255.255/255/248
    name “VLAN30”
    tagged A13, A14, B13, B14, trk1
  Module “A” Module “B” All Modules
VLAN 1 22 23 4
VLAN 20 10 + 1 11 + 1 23
VLAN 30 2 + 1 2 + 1 6
Total vPorts 36 38 74

Displaying the RPVST+ configuration

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration


show spanning-tree config

Displays the switch’s basic and per-VLAN spanning tree configuration.

The upper part of the output shows the switch’s global spanning tree configuration. The port listing shows the spanning tree port parameter settings for the spanning tree region operation (configured by the spanning-tree <port-list> command). See Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per VLAN.

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration

switch#: show spanning-tree config

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled          [No] : Yes
  Mode                      : RPVST
  Extended System ID        : Enabled
  Ignore PVID Inconsistency : Disabled
  RPVST Enabled VLANs       : 10,20

  Switch MAC Address        : 002347-587b80

  Root Guard Ports          :
  Loop Guard Ports          :
  TCN Guard Ports           :
  BPDU Protected Ports      :
  BPDU Filtered Ports       :
  Auto Edge Ports           : 1-24
  Admin Edge Ports          :

                Max Age Forward    Hello     Admin Root
  VLAN Priority (sec)   Delay(sec) Time(sec) Bridge
  ---- -------- ------- ---------- --------- ----------------
  1    32768    20      15         2         Not Configured
  10   32768    20      15         2         Not Configured
  20   32768    20      15         2         Not Configured

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per VLAN


show spanning-tree config vlan <vlan-id>

Lists the spanning tree port parameter settings for only the specified VLAN.

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per VLAN

switch(config)#: show spanning-tree config vlan 20

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled          [No] : Yes
  Mode                      : RPVST
  Extended System ID        : Enabled
  Ignore PVID Inconsistency : Disabled
  Switch MAC Address        : 002347-587b80

  RPVST Enabled             : Enabled
  VLAN ID                   : 20
  Switch Priority           : 32768
  Forward Delay             : 15
  Hello Time                : 2
  Max Age                   : 20
  Admin Root Bridge         : Not Configured

                   Path      Port
  Port  Type       Cost      Priority
  ----- ---------- --------- ---------
  9     100/1000T  20000     128
  20    100/1000T  200000    128
  21    100/1000T  20000     128

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per port


show spanning-tree [ethernet] <port-list> config

Lists the spanning tree port parameter settings (global and per VLAN) for only the specified ports and/or trunks. You can list data for a series of ports and port trunks by specifying the first and last port or trunk of any consecutive series of ports and trunks. For example, to display data for ports 9, 11, 12, 21 and trk1, use this command: show spanning-tree 9,11,12,21,trk1 config

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per port

switch#: show spanning-tree 9,11,12,21,22 2 trk1 config

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled     [No] : Yes
  Mode                 : RPVST
  Switch MAC Address   : 002347-587b80
  RPVST Enabled VLANs  : 10,20

        Admin Auto Admin Root Loop TCN BPDU BPDU
  Port  Edge  Edge PtP   Grd  Grd  Grd Flt  Guard
  ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- --- ---- -----
  9     No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No
  11    No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No
  12    No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No
  21    No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No
  Trk1  No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per port per VLAN


show spanning-tree <ethernet> <port-list> vlan <vlan-id>

Lists the spanning tree port parameter settings per port per VLAN.

Displaying the global RPVST+ configuration per port per VLAN

switch#: show spanning-tree 9 config vlan 10

 Spanning Tree Information

  STP Enabled          [No] : Yes
  Mode                      : RPVST
  Extended System ID        : Enabled
  Ignore PVID Inconsistency : Disabled
  Switch MAC Address        : 002347-587b80

  RPVST Enabled             : Enabled
  VLAN ID                   : 10
  Switch Priority           : 32768
  Forward Delay             : 15
  Hello Time                : 2
  Max Age                   : 20
  Admin Root Bridge         : Not Configured

       Path      Port     Admin Auto Admin Root Loop TCN BPDU BPDU
 Port  Cost      Priority Edge  Edge PtP   Grd  Grd  Grd Flt  Guard
 ----- --------- -------- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- --- ---- -----
 9     20000     128      No    Yes  True  No   No   No  No   No