Displaying 802.1X configuration, statistics, and counters

Show commands for port-access authenticator


show port-access authenticator [port-list] [config|statistics|session-counters|vlan|clients]|[detailed]

If you enter the show port-access authenticator command without an optional value, the following configuration information is displayed for all switch ports, or specified ports, that are enabled for 802.1X port-access authentication:

  • Port-access authenticator activated: Are any switch ports configured to operate as 802.1X authenticators using the aaa port-access authenticator command? Yes or No

  • Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs: Are RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP-learned) VLANs supported for authenticated and unauthenticated client sessions on the switch? Yes or No

  • Auth Clients: Number of authorized clients

  • Unauth Clients: Number of unauthorized clients

  • Untagged VLAN: VLAN ID number of the untagged VLAN used in client sessions. If the switch supports MAC-based (untagged) VLANs, MACbased is displayed to show that multiple untagged VLANs are configured for authentication sessions.

  • Tagged VLANs: Are tagged VLANs (statically configured or RADIUS-assigned) used for authenticated clients? Yes or No

  • Port COS:

    • Yes – Client-specific CoS (Class of Service) values are applied to more than one authenticated client on the port.

    • No – No client-specific CoS values are applied to any authenticated client on the port.

    • <CoS value> – Numerical value of the CoS (802.1p priority) applied to inbound traffic from one authenticated client. For client-specific per-port CoS values, enter the show port-access web-based clients detailed command.

  • % In Limit: Inbound rate limit applied.

  • RADIUS ACL: Are RADIUS-assigned ACLs used for authenticated clients? Yes or No

  • Cntrl Dir: Direction in which flow of incoming and outgoing traffic is blocked on 802.1X-aware port that has not yet entered the authenticated state:

    • Both: Incoming and outgoing traffic is blocked on port until authentication occurs.

    • In: Only incoming traffic is blocked on port before authentication occurs. Outgoing traffic with unknown destination addresses is flooded on the unauthenticated 802.1X-aware port.

The show port-access authenticator command

HP Switch(config)# show port-access authenticator

Port Access Authenticator Status

Port-access authenticator activated [No] : Yes
Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs [No] : Yes

     Auth    Unauth   Untagged Tagged           % In   RADIUS Cntrl
Port Clients Clients  VLAN     VLANs  Port COS  Limit  ACL    Dir
---- ------- -------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ------ -----
1    1       1        4006     Yes    77777777  No     Yes    both
2    2       0        MACbased No     No        No     Yes    both
3    4       0        1        Yes    No        No     No     both

The information displayed with the show port-access authenticator command for individual (config|statistics|session-counters|vlan|clients) options is described below.


show port-access authenticator config [port-list]

Displays 802.1X port-access authenticator configuration settings, including:

  • Whether port-access authentication is enabled

  • Whether RADIUS-assigned dynamic VLANs are supported

  • 802.1X configuration of ports that are enabled as 802.1X authenticators (See the syntax descriptions in Reconfigure settings for port-access. Use the show running command to view the current client-limit configuration available for switches.)

You can display 802.1X port-access authenticator configuration for all switch ports or specified ports. 802.1X configuration information for ports that are not enabled as 802.1X authenticators is not displayed.

The show port-access authenticator config command

HP Switch(config)# show port-access authenticator config

Port Access Authenticator Configuration

Port-access authenticator activated [No] : Yes
Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs [No] : No

     | Re-auth Access   Max   Quiet   TX       Supplicant Server   Cntrl
Port | Period Control   Reqs  Period  Timeout  Timeout    Timeout  Dir
---- + ------- -------- ----- ------- -------- ---------- -------- -----
1    | No      Auto     2     60      30       30         30       both
2    | No      Auto     2     60      30       30         30       in

Field table

Field Description
Port-access authenticator activated Whether 802.1X authentication is enabled or disabled on specified port(s).
Port Port number on switch.
Re-auth Period Period of time (in seconds) after which clients connected to the port need to be reauthenticated.
Access Control

Port’s authentication mode:

Auto: Network access is allowed to any connected device that supports 802.1X authentication and provides valid 802.1X credentials.

Authorized: Network access is allowed to any device connected to the port, regardless of whether it meets 802.1X criteria.

Unauthorized: Network access is blocked to any device connected to the port, regardless of whether the device meets 802.1X criteria.

Max reqs Number of authentication attempts that must time-out before authentication fails and the authentication session ends.
Quiet Period Period of time (in seconds) during which the port does not try to acquire a supplicant.
TX Timeout Period of time (in seconds) that the port waits to retransmit the next EAPOL PDU during an authentication session.
Supplicant Timeout Period of time (in seconds) that the switch waits for a supplicant response to an EAP request.
Server Timeout Period of time (in seconds) that the switch waits for a server response to an authentication request.
Cntrl Dir

Direction in which flow of incoming and outgoing traffic is blocked on 802.1X-aware port that has not yet entered the authenticated state:

Both: Incoming and outgoing traffic is blocked on port until authentication occurs.

In: Only incoming traffic is blocked on port before authentication occurs. Outgoing traffic with unknown destination addresses is flooded on the unauthenticated 802.1X-aware port.


show port-access authenticator statistics [port-list]

Displays statistical information for all switch ports or specified ports that are enabled as 802.1X authenticators, including:

  • Whether port-access authentication is enabled

  • Whether RADIUS-assigned dynamic VLANs are supported

  • 802.1X supplicant’s MAC address as determined by the content of the last EAPOL frame received on the port

  • 802.1X traffic statistics from received and transmitted packets

802.1X configuration information for ports that are not enabled as an 802.1X authenticators is not displayed.

The show port-access authenticator statistics command

HP Switch(config)# show port-access authenticator statistics

Port Access Authenticator Statistics

Port-access authenticator activated [No] : Yes
Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs [No] : No

     Source        TX    TX   RX    RX     RX     RX   RX
Port MAC address   ReqId Req  Star  Logoff RespId Resp Errors
---- ------------- ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ ---- ------
2    001560-b3ea48 1     0     0     0     0      0    0


show port-access authenticator session-counters [port-list]

Displays information for active 802.1X authentication sessions on all switch ports or specified ports that are enabled as 802.1X authenticators, including:

  • 802.1X frames received and transmitted on each port

  • Duration and status of active 802.1X authentication sessions (in-progress or terminated)

  • User name of 802.1X supplicant included in 802.1X response packets, configured with the aaa port-access supplicant identity <username> command

802.1X configuration information for ports that are not enabled as an 802.1X authenticators is not displayed.

The show port-access authenticator session-counters command

HP Switch(config)# show port-access authenticator session-counters

Port Access Authenticator Session Counters

Port-access authenticator activated [No] : Yes
Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs [No] : No

                            Session    Session
Port Frames In  Frames Out  Time(sec.) Status      User
---- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----
2    45623      45623       20         in-progress bert


show port-access authenticator vlan [port-list]

Displays the following information on the VLANs configured for use in 802.1X port-access authentication on all switch ports, or specified ports, that are enabled as 802.1X authenticator:

  • Authentication mode used on each port, configured with the aaa port-access authenticator control command

  • VLAN ID (if any) to be used for traffic from 802.1X-authenticated clients

  • VLAN ID (if any) to be used for traffic from unauthenticated clients

802.1X configuration information for ports that are not enabled as an 802.1X authenticators is not displayed.

The show port-access authenticator vlan command

HP Switch(config)# show port-access authenticator vlan

Port Access Authenticator VLAN Configuration

Port-access authenticator activated [No] : Yes
Allow RADIUS-assigned dynamic (GVRP) VLANs [No] : No

     Access   Unauth   Auth
Port Control  VLAN ID  VLAN ID
---- -------- -------- --------
2    Auto     0        0


show port-access authenticator clients [port-list]

Displays the session status, name, and address for each 802.1X port-access-authenticated client on the switch. Multiple authenticated clients may be displayed for the same port. The IP address displayed is taken from the DHCP binding table (learned through the DHCP Snooping feature).

  • If DHCP snooping is not enabled on the switch, n/a (not available) is displayed for a client’s IP address.

  • If an 802.1X-authenticated client uses an IPv6 address, n/a - IPv6 is displayed.

  • If DHCP snooping is enabled but no MAC-to-IP address binding for a client is found in the DHCP binding table, n/a - no info is displayed.

The show port-access authenticator clients command output

Switch (config)# show port-access authenticator clients

Port Access Authenticator Client Status

Port  Client Name MAC Address   IP Address      Session Status
----- ----------- ------------- --------------- --------------
1     webuser1    001321-eb8063 Authenticated
1     webuser2    001560-b3ea48 n/a - no info   Authenticating
1     webuser3    000000-111111 n/a - IPv6      Authenticating
3     webuser4    000000-111112 n/a             Authenticating


show port-access authenticator clients <port-list> detailed

Displays detailed information on the status of 802.1X-authenticated client sessions on specified ports, including the matches the switch detects for individual ACEs configured with the cnt (counter) option in an ACL assigned to the port by a RADIUS server.

Output for the show port-access authenticator clients detailed command

Switch (config)# show port-access authenticator clients 5 detailed

Port Access Authenticator Client Status Detailed

Client Base Details :
Port           : 5
Session Status : Open             Session Time(sec) : 999999999
Frames In      : 999999999        Frames Out        : 99999999
Username       : webuser1         MAC Address       : 001321-eb8063
IP             : 2001:fecd:ba23:cd1f:dcb1:1010:9234:4088

Access Policy Details :
COS Map        : 70000000                 In Limit %  : 87
Untagged VLAN  : 3096                     Out Limit % : 100
Tagged VLANs   : 1, 3, 5, 6, 334, 2066
  deny in udp from any to CNT
     Hit Count: 10
  permit in udp from any to CNT
     Hit Count: 17
  deny in tcp from any to CNT
     Hit Count: 1
  permit in tcp from any to CNT
     Hit Count: 11
  permit in ip from any to any cnt
     Hit Count: 42

Viewing 802.1X Open VLAN mode status

You can examine the switch’s current VLAN status by using the show port-access authenticator vlan and show port-access authenticator <port-list> commands as shown in Example showing ports configured for Open VLAN mode. Output for determining Open VLAN mode status describes the data that these two commands display. Example showing a VLAN with ports configured for Open VLAN mode shows related VLAN data that can help you to see how the switch is using statically configured VLANs to support 802.1X operation.

Example showing ports configured for Open VLAN mode

Example showing ports configured for Open VLAN mode

Thus, in the output shown in Example showing ports configured for Open VLAN mode:

  • When the Auth VLAN ID is configured and matches the Current VLAN ID, an authenticated client is connected to the port. (This assumes the port is not a statically configured member of the VLAN you are using for Auth VLAN.)

  • When the Unauth VLAN ID is configured and matches the Current VLAN ID, an unauthenticated client is connected to the port. (This assumes the port is not a statically configured member of the VLAN you are using for Unauth VLAN.)

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Because a temporary Open VLAN port assignment to either an authorized or unauthorized VLAN is an untagged VLAN membership, these assignments temporarily replace any other untagged VLAN membership that is statically configured on the port. For example, if port 12 is statically configured as an untagged member of VLAN 1, but is configured to use VLAN 25 as an authorized VLAN, then the port’s membership in VLAN 1 will be temporarily suspended whenever an authenticated 802.1X client is attached to the port.

Output for determining Open VLAN mode status

Status Indicator Meaning
Access Control

This state is controlled by the following port-access Command syntax:

HP Switch(config)# aaa port-access authenticator <

port-list> control <authorized|auto|unauthorized>

Auto: Configures the port to allow network access to any connected device that supports 802.1X authentication and provides valid 802.1X credentials. (This is the default authenticator setting.)

Authorized: Configures the port for “Force Authorized”, which allows access to any device connected to the port, regardless of whether it meets 802.1X criteria. (You can still configure console, Telnet, or SSH security on the port.)

Unauthorized: Configures the port for “Force Unauthorized”, which blocks access to any device connected to the port, regardless of whether the device meets 802.1X criteria.

Unauthorized VLAN ID

<vlan-id>: Lists the VID of the static VLAN configured as the unauthorized VLAN for the indicated port.

0: No unauthorized VLAN has been configured for the indicated port.

Authorized VLAN ID

<vlan-id>: Lists the VID of the static VLAN configured as the authorized VLAN for the indicated port.

0: No authorized VLAN has been configured for the indicated port.


Closed: Either no client is connected or the connected client has not received authorization through 802.1X authentication.

Open: An authorized 802.1X supplicant is connected to the port.

Current VLAN ID

<vlan-id>: Lists the VID of the static, untagged VLAN to which the port currently belongs.

No PVID: The port is not an untagged member of any VLAN.

Current Port CoS See RADIUS Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting.
% Curr. Rate Limit Inbound


show vlan <vlan-id>

Displays the port status for the selected VLAN, including an indication of which port memberships have been temporarily overridden by Open VLAN mode.

Example showing a VLAN with ports configured for Open VLAN mode

Example showing a VLAN with ports configured for Open VLAN mode

Show commands for port-access supplicant


show port-access supplicant [<port-list>] [statistics]

show port-access supplicant [<port-list>]

Shows the port-access supplicant configuration (excluding the secret parameter) for all ports or <port-list> ports configured on the switch as supplicants. The Supplicant State can include the following:


Starting authentication.


Authentication completed (regardless of whether the attempt was successful).


The port received a request for identification from an authenticator.


Authentication is in progress.


Authenticator sent notice of failure. The supplicant port is waiting for the authenticator’s held-period.

For descriptions of the supplicant parameters, see Configuring a supplicant switch port.

show port-access supplicant [<port-list>] statistics

Shows the port-access statistics and source MAC address(es) for all ports or <port-list> ports configured on the switch as supplicants. See Note on supplicant statistics.

Note on supplicant statistics

For each port configured as a supplicant, show port-access supplicant statistics <port-list>] displays the source MAC address and statistics for transactions with the authenticator device most recently detected on the port. If the link between the supplicant port and the authenticator device fails, the supplicant port continues to show data received from the connection to the most recent authenticator device until one of the following occurs:

  • The supplicant port detects a different authenticator device.

  • You use the aaa port-access supplicant <port-list> clear-statistics command to clear the statistics for the supplicant port.

  • The switch reboots.

Thus, if the supplicant’s link to the authenticator fails, the supplicant retains the transaction statistics it most recently received until one of the above events occurs. Also, if you move a link with an authenticator from one supplicant port to another without clearing the statistics data from the first port, the authenticator’s MAC address will appear in the supplicant statistics for both ports.