Viewing transceiver information

This features provides the ability to view diagnostic monitoring information for transceivers with Diagnostic Optical Monitoring (DOM) support. The following table indicates the support level for specific transceivers:

Product # Description Support[*]
J8436A 10GbE X2–SC SR Optic V
J8437A 10GbE X2–SC LR Optic V
J8440B 10GbE X2-CX4 Xcver NA
J8440C 10GbE X2-CX4 Xcver NA
J4858A Gigabit-SX-LC Mini-GBIC V
J4858B Gigabit-SX-LC Mini-GBIC V
J4858C Gigabit-SX-LC Mini-GBIC V (some)
J9054B 100-FX SFP-LC Transceiver N
J8177C Gigabit 1000Base-T Mini-GBIC NA
J9150A 10GbE SFP+ SR Transceiver D
J9151A 10GbE SFP+ LR Transceiver D
J9152A 10GbE SFP+ LRM Transceiver D
J9153A 10GbE SFP+ ER Transceiver D
J9144A 10GbE X2-SC LRM Transceiver D
J8438A 10Gbe X2-SC ER Transceiver D

[*] Support indicators:

  • V - Validated to respond to DOM requests

  • N - No support of DOM

  • D - Documented by the component suppliers as supporting DOM

  • NA - Not applicable to the transceiver (copper transceiver)

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Not all transceivers support Digital Optical Monitoring. If DOM appears in the Diagnostic Support field of the show interfaces transceiver detail command, or the hpicfTransceiverMIB hpicfXcvrDiagnostics MIB object, DOM is supported for that transceiver.

Viewing information about transceivers (CLI)


show interfaces transceiver [port-list] [detail]

Displays information about the transceivers. If a port is specified, displays information for the transceiver in that port.


Displays detailed transceiver information.

MIB support

The hpicfTransceiver MIB is available for displaying transceiver information.

Viewing transceiver information

The transceiver information displayed depends on the show command executed.

The output for show interfaces transceiver [port-list] is shown below. You can specify multiple ports, separated by commas, and the information for each transceiver will display.

Output for a specified transceiver

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver 21

Transceiver Technical information:

                     Product      Serial             Part
 Port    Type        Number       Number             Number
 ------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
 21      1000SX      J4858C       MY050VM9WB         1990-3657

If there is no transceiver in the port specified in the command, the output displays as shown below.

Output when no transceiver is present in specified interface

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver 22

 No Transceiver found on interface 22

When no ports are specified, information for all transceivers found is displayed.

Output when no ports are specified

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver

 Transceiver Technical information:

                      Product      Serial             Part
  Port    Type        Number       Number             Number
  ------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
  21      1000SX      J4858C       MY050VM9WB         1990-3657
  22      1000SX      J4858B       P834DIP2

You can specify all for port-list as shown below.

Output when “all” is specified

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver all

 No Transceiver found on interface 1

 No Transceiver found on interface 2
 No Transceiver found on interface 24

 Transceiver Technical information:

                      Product      Serial             Part
  Port    Type        Number       Number             Number
  ------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
  21      1000SX      J4858C       MY050VM9WB         1990-3657
  22      1000SX      J4858B       P834DIP2

Information displayed with the detail parameter

When the show interfaces transceiver [port-list] detail command is executed, the following information displays.

General transceiver information

Parameter Description
Interface Index The switch interface number
Transceiver-type Pluggable transceiver type
Transceiver model Pluggable transceiver model
Connector-type Type of connector of the transceiver
Wavelength For an optical transceiver: the central wavelength of the laser sent, in nm. If the transceiver supports multiple wavelengths, the values will be separated by a comma.
Transfer Distance Link-length supported by the transceiver in meters. The corresponding transfer medium is shown in brackets following the transfer distance value, For example, 50um multimode fiber. If the transceiver supports multiple transfer media, the values are separated by a comma.
Diagnostic Support Shows whether the transceiver supports diagnostics:







Serial Number Serial number of the transceiver

The information in DOM information, Alarm and error information (GBIC/SFP transceivers only), and Alarm and error information (XENPAK transceivers) is only displayed when the transceiver supports DOM.

DOM information

Parameter Description
Temperature Transceiver temperature (in degrees Centigrade)
Voltage Supply voltage in transceiver (Volts)
Bias Laser bias current (mA)
RX power Rx power (mW and dBm))
TX power Tx power (mW and dBm)

The alarm information for GBIC/SFP transceivers is shown in Alarm and error information (GBIC/SFP transceivers only).

Alarm and error information (GBIC/SFP transceivers only)

Alarm Description
RX loss of signal Incoming (RX) signal is lost
RX power high Incoming (RX) power level is high
RX power low Incoming (RX) power level is low
TX fault Transmit (TX) fault
TX bias high TX bias current is high
TX bias low TX bias current is low
TX power high TX power is high
TX power low TX power is low
Temp high Temperature is high
Temp low Temperature is low
Voltage High Voltage is high
Voltage Low Voltage is low

The alarm information for XENPAK transceivers is shown in Alarm and error information (XENPAK transceivers).

Alarm and error information (XENPAK transceivers)

Alarm Description
WIS local fault WAN Interface Sublayer local fault
Receive optical power fault Receive optical power fault
PMA/PMD receiver local fault Physical Medium Attachment/Physical Medium Dependent receiver local fault
PCS receiver local fault Physical Coding Sublayer receiver local fault
PHY XS receive local fault PHY Extended Sublayer receive local fault
RX power high RX power is high
RX power low RX power is low
Laser bias current fault Laser bias current fault
Laser temperature fault Laser temperature fault
Laser output power fault Laser output power fault
TX fault TX fault
PMA/PMD transmitter local fault PMA/PMD transmitter local fault
PCS Transmit local fault PCS transmit local fault
PHY XS transmit local fault PHY SX transmit local fault
TX bias high TX bias current is high
TX bias low TX bias current is low
TX power high TX power is high
TX power low TX power is low
Temp high Temperature is high
Temp low Temperature is low

An Example: of the output for the show interfaces transceiver [port-list] detail for a 1000SX transceiver is shown below.

Detailed information for a 1000SX Mini-GBIC transceiver

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver 21 detail

 Transceiver in 21
  Interface index    : 21
  Type               : 1000SX 
  Model              : J4858C
  Connector type     : LC 
  Wavelength         : 850nm
  Transfer distance  : 300m (50um), 150m (62.5um),
  Diagnostic support : DOM
  Serial number      : MY050VM9WB

  Temperature : 50.111C 
  Voltage     : 3.1234V
  TX Bias     : 6mA
  TX Power    : 0.2650mW, -5.768dBm
  RX Power    : 0.3892mW, -4.098dBm

 Time stamp   :  Mon Mar 7 14:22:13 2011

An Example: of the output for a 10GbE-LR transceiver is shown below.

Detailed information for a 10GbE-LR transceiver

HP Switch(config)# show interfaces transceiver 23 detail

 Transceiver in 23
  Interface Index   : 24
  Type              : 10GbE-LR 
  Model             : J8437A
  Connector type    : SC
  Wavelength        : Channel #0: 1310nm, #1:0nm, #2:0nm, #3:0nm
  Transfer distance : 10000m (SM)
  Diagnostic support: DOM
  Serial number     : ED456SS987

  Temperature : 32.754C 
  TX Bias     : 42.700mA
  TX Power    : 0.5192mW, -2.847dBm
  RX Power    : 0.0040mW, -23.979dBm

 Recent Alarms:

  Rx power low alarm
  Rx power low warning

 Recent errors:
  Receive optical power fault
  PMA/PMD receiver local fault
  PMA/PMD transmitter local fault
  PCS receive local fault
  PHY XS transmit local fault

 Time stamp : Mon Mar 7 16:26:06 2013

Viewing transceiver information for copper transceivers with VCT support

This feature provides the ability to view diagnostic monitoring information for copper transceivers with Virtual Cable Test (VCT) support. The cable quality of the copper cables connected between transceivers can be ascertained using the transceiver cable diagnostics. Results of the diagnostics are displayed with the appropriate CLI show commands and with SNMP using the hpicfTransceiver MIB.

The J8177C 1000Base-T Mini-GBIC is supported.

Testing the Cable

Enter the test cable-diagnostics command in any context to begin cable diagnostics for the transceiver. The diagnostic attempts to identify cable faults. The tests may take a few seconds to complete for each interface. There is the potential of link loss during the diagnostic.


test cable-diagnostics [port-list]

Invokes cable diagnostics and displays the results.

Output from test cable-diagnostics command

HP Switch # test cable-diagnostics a23-a24

 The ‘test cable-diagnostics’ command will cause a loss of link and will take a few seconds per 
 interface to complete.

 Continue (Y/N)? y

MDI  Cable     Distance  Pair  Pair      MDI 
 Port  Pair  Status     to Fault  Skew  Polarity  Mode
 ----- ----- ---------- --------- ----- --------- ------ 
 A23   1-2   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal    MDIX
       3-6   OK         0 m       0 ns  Normal
       4-5   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal    MDIX
       7-8   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal
 A24   1-2   Short      2 m
       3-6   Impedance  3 m
       4-5   Impedance  3 m
       7-8   Open       1 m

Copper cable diagnostic test results

HP Switch# show interfaces transceiver a23 detail

 Transceiver in A23
  Interface Index   : 23
  Type              : 1000T-sfp
  Model             : J8177C 
  Connector Type    : RJ45
  Wavelength        : n/a
  Transfer Distance : 100m (copper), 
  Diagnostic Support : VCT
  Serial Number     : US051HF099

  Link Status       : Up
  Speed             : 1000
  Duplex            : Full

       MDI   Cable      Distance  Pair  Pair      MDI 
 Port  Pair  Status     to Fault  Skew  Polarity  Mode
 ----- ----- ---------- --------- ----- --------- ----- 
 A23   1-2   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal    MDIX
       3-6   OK         0 m       0 ns  Normal
       4-5   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal    MDIX
       7-8   OK         0 m       6 ns  Normal

   Test Last Run   : Fri Apr 22 20:33:23 2011

General transceiver information

Parameter Description
Interface Index The switch interface number
Transceiver-type Pluggable transceiver type
Transceiver model Pluggable transceiver model
Connector-type Type of connector of the transceiver
Wavelength For an optical transceiver: the central wavelength of the laser sent, in nm. If the transceiver supports multiple wavelengths, the values will be separated by a comma. An electrical transceiver value is displayed as N/A.
Transfer Distance Link-length supported by the transceiver in meters. The corresponding transfer medium is shown in brackets following the transfer distance value, For example, 50um multimode fiber. If the transceiver supports multiple transfer media, the values are separated by a comma.
Diagnostic Support Shows whether the transceiver supports diagnostics:







Serial Number Serial number of the transceiver
Link Status Link up or down
Speed Speed of transceiver in Mbps
Duplex Type of duplexing
Cable Status Values are OK, Open, Short, or Impedance
Distance to Fault The distance in meters to a cable fault (accuracy is +/- 2 meters); displays 0 (zero) if there is no fault
Pair Skew Difference in propagation between the fastest and slowest wire pairs
Pair Polarity Signals on a wire pair are polarized, with one wire carrying the positive signal and one carrying the negative signal.
MDI Mode The MDI crossover status of the two wire pairs (1&2, 3&6, 4&5, 7&8), will be either MDI or MDIX