display bfd session

Use display bfd session to display BFD session information.


display bfd session [ discriminator value | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




discriminator value: Specifies a local ID in the range of 1 to 4294967295. If this option is not specified, the command displays brief information about all BFD sessions.

verbose: Displays detailed BFD session information. If this keyword is not specified, the command displays brief BFD session information.


# Display all IPv4 BFD session information.

<Sysname> display bfd session

 Total Session Num: 1     Up Session Num: 1     Init Mode: Active

 IPv4 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:

 LD/RD          SourceAddr      DestAddr        State    Holdtime    Interface
 513/513         Up       2297ms      XGE1/0/1

# Display all IPv6 BFD session information.

<Sysname> display bfd session

 Total Session Num: 1     Up Session Num: 1     Init Mode: Active

 IPv6 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:

       Local Discr: 513                  Remote Discr: 513
         Source IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FED4:7171
    Destination IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FE72:AC4D
     Session State: Up                      Interface: XGE1/0/2

# Display detailed IPv4 BFD session information.

<Sysname> display bfd session verbose

 Total Session Num: 1     Up Session Num: 1     Init Mode: Active

 IPv4 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:

       Local Discr: 513                  Remote Discr: 513
         Source IP:            Destination IP:
     Session State: Up                      Interface: Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
      Min Tx Inter: 500ms                Act Tx Inter: 500ms
      Min Rx Inter: 500ms                Detect Inter: 2500ms
          Rx Count: 42                       Tx Count: 43
      Connect Type: Direct             Running Up for: 00:00:20
         Hold Time: 2078ms                  Auth mode: None
       Detect Mode: Async                        Slot: 1
          Protocol: OSPF
         Diag Info: No Diagnostic
     Template name: abc

# Display detailed IPv6 BFD session information.

<Sysname> display bfd session verbose

 Total Session Num: 1     Up Session Num: 1     Init Mode: Active

 IPv6 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:

       Local Discr: 513                  Remote Discr: 513
         Source IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FED4:7171
    Destination IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FE72:AC4D
     Session State: Up                      Interface: Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2
      Min Tx Inter: 500ms                Act Tx Inter: 500ms
      Min Rx Inter: 500ms                Detect Inter: 2500ms
          Rx Count: 38                       Tx Count: 38
      Connect Type: Direct             Running Up for: 00:00:15
         Hold Time: 2211ms                  Auth mode: None
       Detect Mode: Async                        Slot: 1
          Protocol: OSPFv3
         Diag Info: No Diagnostic
     Template name: abc

Table 47: Command output



Total Session Num

Total number of BFD sessions.

Up Session Num

Total number of active BFD sessions.

Init Mode

BFD operating mode, active or passive.

Session Working Under Ctrl Mode

IPv4/IPv6 BFD session mode:

  • Ctrl—Control packet mode.

  • Echo—Echo packet mode.

Local Discr/LD

Local ID of the session.

Remote Discr/RD

Remote ID of the session.

Source IP/SourceAddr

Source IP address of the session.

Destination IP/DestAddr

Destination IP address of the session.

Session State/State

Session state: up or down.


Name of the interface of the session.

Min Tx Inter

Minimum transmit interval.

Min Rx Inter

Minimum receive interval.

Act Tx Inter

Actual transmit interval.

Detect Inter

Actual session detection timer.

Rx Count

Number of packets received.

Tx Count

Number of packets sent.

Hold Time/Holdtime

Length of time before session detection timer expires.

Auth mode

Session authentication mode (only simple is supported).

Connect Type

Connection type of the interface, direct or indirect.

Running up for

Time interval for which the session has been up.

Detect Mode

Detection mode:

  • Async—Asynchronous mode.

  • Demand—Demand mode.


IRF member ID.

Diag Info

Diagnostic information about the session.

Template name

BFD template name.