display bfd session
Use display bfd session to display BFD session information.
display bfd session [ discriminator value | verbose ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
discriminator value: Specifies a local ID in the range of 1 to 4294967295. If this option is not specified, the command displays brief information about all BFD sessions.
verbose: Displays detailed BFD session information. If this keyword is not specified, the command displays brief BFD session information.
# Display all IPv4 BFD session information.
<Sysname> display bfd session Total Session Num: 1 Up Session Num: 1 Init Mode: Active IPv4 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode: LD/RD SourceAddr DestAddr State Holdtime Interface 513/513 Up 2297ms XGE1/0/1
# Display all IPv6 BFD session information.
<Sysname> display bfd session Total Session Num: 1 Up Session Num: 1 Init Mode: Active IPv6 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode: Local Discr: 513 Remote Discr: 513 Source IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FED4:7171 Destination IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FE72:AC4D Session State: Up Interface: XGE1/0/2
# Display detailed IPv4 BFD session information.
<Sysname> display bfd session verbose Total Session Num: 1 Up Session Num: 1 Init Mode: Active IPv4 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode: Local Discr: 513 Remote Discr: 513 Source IP: Destination IP: Session State: Up Interface: Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 Min Tx Inter: 500ms Act Tx Inter: 500ms Min Rx Inter: 500ms Detect Inter: 2500ms Rx Count: 42 Tx Count: 43 Connect Type: Direct Running Up for: 00:00:20 Hold Time: 2078ms Auth mode: None Detect Mode: Async Slot: 1 Protocol: OSPF Diag Info: No Diagnostic Template name: abc
# Display detailed IPv6 BFD session information.
<Sysname> display bfd session verbose Total Session Num: 1 Up Session Num: 1 Init Mode: Active IPv6 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode: Local Discr: 513 Remote Discr: 513 Source IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FED4:7171 Destination IP: FE80::20C:29FF:FE72:AC4D Session State: Up Interface: Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 Min Tx Inter: 500ms Act Tx Inter: 500ms Min Rx Inter: 500ms Detect Inter: 2500ms Rx Count: 38 Tx Count: 38 Connect Type: Direct Running Up for: 00:00:15 Hold Time: 2211ms Auth mode: None Detect Mode: Async Slot: 1 Protocol: OSPFv3 Diag Info: No Diagnostic Template name: abc
Table 47: Command output
Field | Description |
Total Session Num | Total number of BFD sessions. |
Up Session Num | Total number of active BFD sessions. |
Init Mode | BFD operating mode, active or passive. |
Session Working Under Ctrl Mode | IPv4/IPv6 BFD session mode:
Local Discr/LD | Local ID of the session. |
Remote Discr/RD | Remote ID of the session. |
Source IP/SourceAddr | Source IP address of the session. |
Destination IP/DestAddr | Destination IP address of the session. |
Session State/State | Session state: up or down. |
Interface | Name of the interface of the session. |
Min Tx Inter | Minimum transmit interval. |
Min Rx Inter | Minimum receive interval. |
Act Tx Inter | Actual transmit interval. |
Detect Inter | Actual session detection timer. |
Rx Count | Number of packets received. |
Tx Count | Number of packets sent. |
Hold Time/Holdtime | Length of time before session detection timer expires. |
Auth mode | Session authentication mode (only simple is supported). |
Connect Type | Connection type of the interface, direct or indirect. |
Running up for | Time interval for which the session has been up. |
Detect Mode | Detection mode:
Slot | IRF member ID. |
Diag Info | Diagnostic information about the session. |
Template name | BFD template name. |