display rrpp brief

Use display rrpp brief to display brief RRPP information.


display rrpp brief


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# Display brief RRPP information.

<Sysname> display rrpp brief
 Flags for node mode: M –- Master, T -- Transit, E -- Edge, A -- Assistant-edge

 RRPP protocol status: Enabled

 Domain ID     : 1
 Control VLAN  : Primary 5, Secondary 6
 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 0 to 2, 4
 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds
 Fast detection status: Disabled
 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms
 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms
  Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common            Secondary/Edge            Enable
  ID    level  mode  port                      port                      status
  1     1      M     XGE1/0/1                  XGE1/0/2                  Yes

 Domain ID     : 2
 Control VLAN  : Primary 10, Secondary 11
 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 0 to 2, 4
 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds
 Fast detection status: Disabled
 Fast-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 30 ms
  Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common            Secondary/Edge            Enable
  ID    level  mode  port                      port                      status
  1     0      T     XGE1/0/3                  XGE1/0/4                  Yes
  2     1      E     XGE1/0/3                  XGE1/0/5                  Yes

Table 24: Command output



Flags for node mode

RRPP node mode:

  • M—Master node.

  • T—Transit node.

  • E—Edge node.

  • A—Assistant edge node.

RRPP protocol status

RRPP status:

  • Enabled—Globally enabled.

  • Disabled—Globally disabled.

Domain ID

RRPP domain ID.

Control VLAN

Primary and secondary control VLANs of the RRPP domain.

Protected VLAN

MSTIs corresponding to the VLANs protected by the RRPP domain. To view the VLAN-to-instance mappings, use the display stp region-configuration command (see Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference).

Hello timer

Hello timer value in seconds.

Fail timer

Fail timer value in seconds.

Fast detection status

Fast detection status: Enabled or Disabled.

Fast-Hello timer

Fast-Hello timer value in milliseconds.

Fast-Fail timer

Fast-Fail timer value in milliseconds.

Fast-Edge-Hello timer

Fast-Edge-Hello timer value in milliseconds.

Fast-Edge-Fail timer

Fast-Edge-Fail timer value in milliseconds.

Ring ID

RRPP ring ID.

Ring level

RRPP ring level:

  • 0—Primary ring.

  • 1—Subring.

Primary/Common port

This field displays primary ports when the node mode is master node or transit node.

This field displays common ports when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

  • The port is not configured on the ring.

  • The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Secondary/Edge port

This field displays secondary ports when the node mode is master node or transit node.

This field displays edge ports when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

  • The port is not configured on the ring.

  • The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Enable status

RRPP ring status:

  • Yes—Enabled.

  • No—Disabled.