Configuration example

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 17, users need to log in to the device to manage the device.

Configure the device to send commands executed by users to the HWTACACS server to monitor and control user operations on the device.

Figure 17: Network diagram

Configuration procedure

# Enable the Telnet server.

<Device> system-view
[Device] telnet server enable

# Enable command accounting for user line AUX 0.

[Device] line aux 0
[Device-line-aux0] command accounting
[Device-line-aux0] quit

# Enable command accounting for user lines VTY 0 through VTY 63.

[Device] line vty 0 63
[Device-line-vty0-63] command accounting
[Device-line-vty0-63] quit

# Create HWTACACS scheme tac.

[Device] hwtacacs scheme tac

# Configure the scheme to use the HWTACACS server at for accounting.

[Device-hwtacacs-tac] primary accounting 49

# Set the shared key to expert.

[Device-hwtacacs-tac] key accounting simple expert

# Remove domain names from usernames sent to the HWTACACS server.

[Device-hwtacacs-tac] user-name-format without-domain
[Device-hwtacacs-tac] quit

# Configure the system-defined domain (system) to use the HWTACACS scheme for command accounting.

[Device] domain system
[Device-isp-system] accounting command hwtacacs-scheme tac
[Device-isp-system] quit