Filtering the output from a display command

You can use the | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression option to filter the display command output.

The required filtering time increases with the complexity of the regular expression. To abort the filtering process, press Ctrl+C.

Table 7: Special characters supported in a regular expression





Matches the beginning of a line.

"^u" matches all lines beginning with "u". A line beginning with "Au" is not matched.


Matches the end of a line.

"u$" matches all lines ending with "u". A line ending with "uA" is not matched.

. (period)

Matches any single character.

".s" matches "as" and "bs".


Matches the preceding character or string zero, one, or multiple times.

"zo*" matches "z" and "zoo", and "(zo)*" matches "zo" and "zozo".


Matches the preceding character or string one or multiple times.

"zo+" matches "zo" and "zoo", but not "z".


Matches the preceding or succeeding string.

"def|int" matches a line containing "def" or "int".

( )

Matches the string in the parentheses, usually used together with the plus sign (+) or asterisk sign (*).

"(123A)" matches "123A".

"408(12)+" matches "40812" and "408121212", but not "408".


Matches the preceding strings in parentheses, with the Nth string repeated once.

"(string)\1" matches a string containing "stringstring".

"(string1)(string2)\2" matches a string containing "string1string2string2".

"(string1)(string2)\1\2" matches a string containing " string1string2string1string2".

[ ]

Matches a single character in the brackets.

"[16A]" matches a string containing 1, 6, or A; "[1-36A]" matches a string containing 1, 2, 3, 6, or A (- is a hyphen).

To match the character "]", put it immediately after "[", for example, []abc]. There is no such limit on "[".


Matches a single character that is not in the brackets.

"[^16A]" matches a string that contains one or more characters except for 1, 6, or A, such as "abc". A match can also contain 1, 6, or A (such as "m16"), but it cannot contain these three characters only (such as 1, 16, or 16A).


Matches the preceding character n times. The number n must be a nonnegative integer.

"o{2}" matches "food", but not "Bob".


Matches the preceding character n times or more. The number n must be a nonnegative integer.

"o{2,}" matches "foooood", but not "Bob".


Matches the preceding character n to m times or more. The numbers n and m must be nonnegative integers and n cannot be greater than m.

" o{1,3}" matches "fod", "food", and "foooood", but not "fd".


Matches a string that starts with the pattern following \<. A string that contains the pattern is also a match if the characters preceding the pattern are not digits, letters, or underscores.

"\<do" matches "domain" and "doa".


Matches a string that ends with the pattern preceding \>. A string that contains the pattern is also a match if the characters following the pattern are not digits, letters, or underscores.

"do\>" matches "undo" and "cdo".


Matches a word that starts with the pattern following \b or ends with the pattern preceding \b.

"er\b" matches "never", but not "verb" or "erase".

"\ber" matches "erase", but not "verb" or "never".


Matches a word that contains the pattern but does not start or end with the pattern.

"er\B" matches "verb", but not "never" or "erase".


Same as [A-Za-z0-9_], matches a digit, letter, or underscore.

"v\w" matches "vlan" and "service".


Same as [^A-Za-z0-9_], matches a character that is not a digit, letter, or underscore.

"\Wa" matches "-a", but not "2a" or "ba".


Escape character. If a special character listed in this table follows \, the specific meaning of the character is removed.

"\\" matches a string containing "\", "\^" matches a string containing "^", and "\\b" matches a string containing "\b".

For example:

# Display the running configuration, starting from the first configuration line that contains line.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | begin line
line class aux                                                                  
 user-role network-admin                                                        
line class vty                                                                  
 user-role network-operator                                                     
line aux 0                                                                      
 user-role network-admin                                                        
line vty 0 63                                                                   
 authentication-mode none                                                       
 user-role network-admin                                                        
 user-role network-operator                                                     

# Display brief information about interfaces in up state.

<Sysname> display interface brief | exclude DOWN
Brief information on interfaces in route mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Protocol: (s) - spoofing
Interface            Link Protocol Primary IP      Description
InLoop0              UP   UP(s)    --
NULL0                UP   UP(s)    --
Vlan1                UP   UP

Brief information on interfaces in bridge mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Speed: (a) - auto
Duplex: (a)/A - auto; H - half; F - full
Type: A - access; T - trunk; H - hybrid
Interface            Link Speed    Duplex Type PVID Description
XGE1/0/1              UP   10G(a)   F(a)   A    1

# Display SNMP-related running configuration lines.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | include snmp
 snmp-agent community write private
 snmp-agent community read public
 snmp-agent sys-info version all
 snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public