Configuring hierarchical CAR




1. Enter system view.



2. Configure a hierarchical CAR action.

qos car car-name hierarchy cir committed-information-rate [ cbs committed-burst-size [ ebs excess-burst-size ] ]

qos car car-name hierarchy cir committed-information-rate [ cbs committed-burst-size ] pir peak-information-rate [ ebs excess-burst-size ]

Use either command.

By default, no hierarchical CAR action is configured.

3. Enter traffic behavior view.

traffic behavior behavior-name


4. Use the hierarchical CAR in the traffic behavior to cooperate with an aggregate CAR or common CAR.

  • Aggregate CAR:car name car-name hierarchy-car hierarchy-car-name [ mode { and | or } ]

  • Common CAR:car cir committed-information-rate [ cbs committed-burst-size [ ebs excess-burst-size ] ] [ green action | red action | yellow action ] * [ hierarchy-car hierarchy-car-name [ mode { and | or } ] ]
    car cir
    committed-information-rate [ cbs committed-burst-size ] pir peak-information-rate [ ebs excess-burst-size ] [ green action | red action | yellow action ] * [ hierarchy-car hierarchy-car-name [ mode { and | or } ] ]

Use any command.

By default, no hierarchical CAR action is used in a traffic behavior.

For more information about common CAR, see "Configuring traffic policing."