display oam configuration


display oam configuration [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

2: System level


|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display oam configuration to display global Ethernet OAM configuration, including the periods and thresholds for Ethernet OAM link error event detection.

Related commands: oam errored-symbol period, oam errored-symbol threshold, oam errored-frame period, oam errored-frame threshold, oam errored-frame-period period, oam errored-frame-period threshold, oam errored-frame-seconds period, oam errored-frame-seconds threshold, oam timer hello, and oam timer keepalive.


# Display global Ethernet OAM configuration.

<Sysname> display oam configuration
Configuration of the link event window/threshold :
Errored-symbol Event period(in seconds)           :     1
Errored-symbol Event threshold                    :     1
Errored-frame Event period(in seconds)            :     1
Errored-frame Event threshold                     :     1
Errored-frame-period Event period(in ms)          :     1000
Errored-frame-period Event threshold              :     1
Errored-frame-seconds Event period(in seconds)    :     60
Errored-frame-seconds Event threshold             :     1

Configuration of the timer :
Hello timer(in ms)                                :     1000
Keepalive timer(in ms)                            :     5000

Table 3: Command output



Configuration of the link event window/threshold

Detection intervals and triggering thresholds configured for link events.

Errored-symbol Event period (in seconds)

Errored symbol event detection interval, which defaults to one second.

Errored-symbol Event threshold

Errored symbol event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.

Errored-frame Event period (in seconds)

Errored frame event detection interval, which defaults to one second.

Errored-frame Event threshold

Errored frame event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.

Errored-frame-period Event period (in ms)

Errored frame period event detection interval, which defaults to 1000 milliseconds.

Errored-frame-period Event threshold

Errored frame period event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.

Errored-frame-seconds Event period (in seconds)

Errored frame seconds event detection interval, which defaults to 60 seconds.

Errored-frame-seconds Event threshold

Errored frame seconds event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.

Configuration of the timer

Ethernet OAM connection detection timers.

Hello timer(in ms)

Ethernet OAM handshake packet transmission interval, the value of which defaults to 1000 milliseconds.

Keepalive timer(in ms)

Ethernet OAM connection timeout timer, the value of which defaults to 5000 milliseconds.