display oam


display oam { local | remote } [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

2: System level


local: Displays local Ethernet OAM connection information.

remote: Displays remote Ethernet OAM connection information.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display oam to display information about an Ethernet OAM connection, including connection status, information contained in the Ethernet OAM packet header, and Ethernet OAM packet statistics.

If no interface is specified, this command displays information about all Ethernet OAM connections.

Related commands: reset oam.


# Display information about the Ethernet OAM connection established on the local port Ethernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display oam local interface ethernet 1/0/1
Port        : Ethernet1/0/1
Link Status : Up
EnableStatus              : Enable
Local_oam_mode            : Active      Local_pdu              : ANY
Local_mux_action          : FWD         Local_par_action       : FWD

OAMLocalFlagsField :
Link Fault                : 0           Dying Gasp             : 0
Critical Event            : 0           Local Evaluating       : COMPLETE
Remote Evaluating         : COMPLETE

Packets statistic :
Packets                        Send                   Receive
OAMPDU                         645                    648
OAMInformation                 645                    648
OAMEventNotification           0                      --
OAMUniqueEventNotification     --                     0
OAMDuplicateEventNotification  --                     0

Table 1: Command output




Port index.

Link Status

Link status (up or down).


Ethernet OAM state (enabled or disabled).


Local Ethernet OAM mode:

  • Active—The port is operating in active Ethernet OAM mode.

  • Passive—The port is operating in passive Ethernet OAM mode.


The way in which the local end processes Ethernet OAMPDUs:

  • RX_INFO—The port only receives Information OAMPDUs and does not send any Ethernet OAMPDUs.

  • LF_INFO—The port only sends the Information OAMPDUs without Information TLV triplets and with their link error flag bits being set.

  • INFO—The port sends and receives only Information OAMPDUs.

  • ANY—The port sends and receives Ethernet OAMPDUs of any type.


Working mode of the local transmitter:

  • FWD—The port can send any packets.

  • DISCARD—The port only sends Ethernet OAMPDUs.


Working mode of the local receiver:

  • FWD—The port can receive any packets.

  • DISCARD—The port only receives Ethernet OAMPDUs.

  • LB—The local receiver is in loopback state. All the packets other than Ethernet OAMPDUs received on the local receiver are returned to their sources along the ways they came.


Local flags inserted in the local flag fields of the Ethernet OAMPDUs sent.

Link Fault

Indicates whether an Ethernet OAM link error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Dying Gasp

Indicates whether a fatal error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Critical Event

Indicates whether a critical error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Local Evaluating

Indicates whether the local-to-remote configuration negotiation is complete:

  • COMPLETE—The negotiation is completed.

  • NOTCOMPLETE—The negotiation is uncompleted.

Remote Evaluating

Indicates whether the remote-to-local configuration negotiation is complete:

  • COMPLETE—The negotiation is completed.

  • NOTCOMPLETE—The negotiation is uncompleted.

  • RESERVED—The field is reserved and the negotiation is uncompleted.

  • UNSATISFIED—The peer end is not satisfied with the local configuration and the negotiation is uncompleted.

Packets statistic

Statistics for Ethernet OAMPDUs sent and received.


Total number of the Ethernet OAMPDUs sent and received.


Number of Information OAMPDUs sent and received.


Number of Event notification OAMPDUs sent and received.


Number of unduplicated Event notification OAMPDUs sent or received.


Number of duplicate Event notification OAMPDUs sent or received.

# Display the Ethernet OAM information for the peer port Ethernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display oam remote interface ethernet 1/0/1
Port        : Ethernet1/0/1
Link Status : Up
Information of the latest received OAM packet:
OAMRemoteMACAddress       : 00e0-fd73-6502
OAMRemotePDUConfiguration : 1500

OAMRemoteState :
Remote_mux_action         : FWD         Remote_par_action      : FWD

OAMRemoteConfiguration :
OAM Mode                  : Active      Unidirectional Support : YES
Loopback Support          : NO          Link Events            : YES
Variable Retrieval        : NO

OAMRemoteFlagsField :
Link Fault                : 0           Dying Gasp             : 0
Critical Event            : 0           Local Evaluating       : COMPLETE
Remote Evaluating         : COMPLETE

Table 2: Command output




Port index.

Link Status

Link status.

Information of the latest received OAM packet

Information about the latest received Ethernet OAMPDU.


MAC address of the Ethernet OAM peer.


Maximum Ethernet OAMPDU size allowed.


State of the Ethernet OAM peer.


Peer sending mode. For more information, see Table 1.


Peer receiving mode. For more information, see Table 1.


Configuration of the peer Ethernet OAM entity.

OAM Mode

Ethernet OAM mode.

Unidirectional Support

Indicates whether unidirectional transmission is supported (YES or NO).

Loopback Support

Indicates whether Ethernet OAM remote loopback is supported (YES or NO).

Link Events

Indicates whether Ethernet OAM link error events are supported (YES or NO).

Variable Retrieval

Indicates whether MIB variable retrieval is supported (YES or NO).


Values of the peer Ethernet OAM flag fields in OAM packets.

Link Fault

Indicates whether a link fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Dying Gasp

Indicate whether a fatal fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Critical Event

Indicate whether a critical fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes.

Local Evaluating

Indicates whether the local-to-remote configuration negotiation is complete:

  • COMPLETE—The negotiation is completed.

  • NOTCOMPLETE—The negotiation is uncompleted.

  • RESERVED—The field is reserved and the negotiation is uncompleted.

  • UNSATISFIED—The peer end is not satisfied with the local configuration and the negotiation is uncompleted.

Remote Evaluating

Indicates whether the remote-to-local configuration negotiation is complete:

  • COMPLETE—The negotiation is completed.

  • NOTCOMPLETE—The negotiation is uncompleted.