Displaying the power supply system information about your switch

Use the display power-supply command to display power supply system information about your switch, including whether power management is enabled, the number of configured redundant power supplies, power, output voltage and current, and whether each card is powered on.

# Display detailed information about the power supply system.

<Sysname> display power-supply verbose

Power info on chassis 0:

System power-supply policy: enable

System power-module redundant(configured): 1

System power usable: 4000 Watts

System power redundant(actual): 0 Watts

System power allocated: 3620 Watts

System power available: 380 Watts

System power used(current): 1070.00 Watts

System power monitoring unit 1:

Software version: 200

Type In/Out Rated-Vol(V) Existing Usable Redundant(actual)

---------- ------ ------------ -------- ------ -----------------

PSE9000-A AC/DC 220(default) 2 2 0

DC output voltage information:

Tray Value(V) Upper-Threshold(V) Lower-Threshold(V) Status

---- -------- ------------------ ------------------ -------

1 50.00 52.00 48.00 Normal

DC output current information:

Total current(A): 21.40

Branch Value(A)

------ --------

1/1 11.80

1/2 9.60

1/3 N/A

1/4 N/A

1/5 N/A

1/6 N/A

1/7 N/A

1/8 N/A

PSU Status:

ID Status Input-Err Output-Err High-Temperature Fan-Err Closed Current-Limit

--- ------- ----------- ---------- ---------------- ------- ------ -------------

1/1 Normal

1/2 Normal

1/3 Absent

1/4 Absent

1/5 Absent

1/6 Absent

1/7 Absent

1/8 Absent

Line-card power status:

Slot Board-Type Watts Status

---- --------------- ----- ------

2 None -- Absent

3 LST1GT48LEC1 190 On

4 None -- Absent

5 LST0XP40RFD1 435 On

6 Unknown 500 On

7 None -- Absent

8 None -- Absent

9 None -- Absent

PMU 1: normal

Protocol: 21


Vendor: HP

Current Ver: 200

Boot Ver: 205

Low-Area Ver: 200

High-Area Ver: Unknown

Current-Area: Low

PCB Ver: Ver.A

Backplane PCB Ver: Ver.A

Backplane Type: LST19KA2PSB

PMU Temperature: 30

PSU Count: 2

PSU Actual Output: 50V

ID Temperature Fan 0 Speed Fan 1 Speed Actual Current

---- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------

Run1 43 139 140 12

Run2 42 138 139 10

ID Inp-Vol RatedPower Type Hardware SN

----- ------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------

Info1 220 2000 CP2000AC54PE 1:18 12CS39016731

Info2 220 2000 CP2000AC54PE 1:18 12CS39016230