Manually starting or stopping power supply to a card

When the switch is operating, you can start or stop power supply to a card to adjust the system available power as needed.

Configuration guidelines

Before starting power supply to a card, confirm whether the power supply is overloaded after supplying power to the new card. If the maximum power consumption of the system is greater than the available power after supplying power to the new card, the system performs one of the following options:

For more information about power supply management, see "Enabling power supply management."

Configuration procedure

To start or stop power supply to a card, execute one of the following commands as needed in user view:




Start or stop power supply to the specified card.

  • In standalone mode:power-supply { on | off } slot slot-number

  • In IRF mode:power-supply { on | off } chassis chassis-number slot slot-number

The specified card cannot be an MPU or a switching fabric module.