IP rate limit configuration example

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 12, limit the rate of packets entering Ethernet 1/2 of the Router as follows: perform per-IP-address rate limiting for traffic sourced from Host A through Host Z, which are on the network segment through, with the per-IP-address rate limit being 5 kbps, and make traffic from all IP addresses on the network segment share the remaining bandwidth.

Figure 12: Network diagram

Configuration procedure

# Configure per-IP-address rate limiting on Ethernet 1/2 to limit the rate of each PC on the network segment through, and make traffic from all IP addresses in the network segment share the remaining bandwidth.

<Router> system-view
[Router] qos carl 1 source-ip-address range to per-address shared-bandwidth
[Router] interface ethernet 1/2
[Router-Ethernet1/2] qos car inbound carl 1 cir 500 cbs 1875 ebs 0 green pass red discard
[Router-Ethernet1/2] quit