snmp-server host


snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> trap version <VERSION> [community <STRING>] 
[port <UDP-PORT>] 

no snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> trap version <VERSION> [community <STRING>] 
[port <UDP-PORT>] 

snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> inform version v2c [community <STRING>] 
[port <UDP-PORT>] 

no snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> inform version v2c [community <STRING>] 
[port <UDP-PORT>] 

snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> [trap version v3 | inform version v3] user <NAME> 
[port <UDP-PORT>] 

no snmp-server host <IPv4-ADDR | IPv6-ADDR> [trap version v3 | inform version v3] user <NAME> 
[port <UDP-PORT>]


Configures a trap/informs receiver to which the SNMP agent can send SNMP v1/v2c/v3 traps or v2c/v3 informs. A maximum of 30 SNMP traps/informs receivers can be configured.

The no form of this command removes the specified trap/inform receiver.

Command context




Specifies the IP address of a trap receiver in IPv4 format (x.x.x.x), where x is a decimal number from 0 to 255. You can remove leading zeros. For example, the address becomes


Specifies the IP address of a trap receiver in IPv6 format (x:x::x:x).

trap version <VERSION>

Specifies the trap notification type for SNMPv1, v2c or v3. Available options are: v1, v2c or v3.

inform version v2c

Specifies the inform notification type for SNMPv2c.

trap version v3

Specifies the trap notification type for SNMPv3.

inform version v3

Specifies the inform notification type for SNMPv3.

user <NAME>

Specifies the SNMPv3 user name to be used in the SNMP trap notifications.

community <STRING>

Specifies the name of the community string to use when sending trap notifications. Range: 1 - 32 printable ASCII characters, excluding space and question mark. Default: public.


Specifies the UDP port on which notifications are sent. Range: 1 - 65535. Default: 162.




switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v1
switch(config)# no snmp-server host trap version v1

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v1
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v1

switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v2c community public
switch(config)# no snmp-server host trap version v2c community public

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v2c community public
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v2c community public

switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v2c community public port 5000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host trap version v2c community public port 5000

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v2c community public port 5000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v2c community public port 5000

switch(config)# snmp-server host inform version v2c community public
switch(config)# no snmp-server host inform version v2c community public

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v2c community public
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v2c community public

switch(config)# snmp-server host inform version v2c community public port 5000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host inform version v2c community public port 5000

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v2c community public port 5000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v2c community public port 5000

switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v3 user Admin
switch(config)# no snmp-server host trap version v3 user Admin

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v3 user Admin
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v3 user Admin

switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v3 user Admin port 2000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host trap version v3 user Admin port 2000

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v3 user Admin port 2000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d trap version v3 user Admin port 2000

switch(config)# snmp-server host inform version v3 user Admin
switch(config)# no snmp-server host inform version v3 user Admin

switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v3 user Admin
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v3 user Admin

switch(config)# snmp-server host inform version v3 user Admin port 2000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host inform version v3 user Admin port 2000
switch(config)# snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v3 user Admin port 2000
switch(config)# no snmp-server host a:b::c:d inform version v3 user Admin port 2000