show copp-policy factory-default


show copp-policy factory-default [commands] [vsx-peer]


Display the configuration for the factory-default CoPP policy.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Displays output as CLI commands.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed.


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Displaying the factory-default policy (Output from an 8320 switch):

switch# sh copp-policy factory-default
class                 drop priority rate pps burst pkts hardware rate pps
--------------------- ---- -------- -------- ---------- -----------------
acl-logging                0        50       50         50
arp-broadcast              3        7000     7000       7000
arp-unicast                4        2500     2500       2500
bgp-ipv4                   6        1500     1500       1500
bgp-ipv6                   6        1500     1500       1500
dhcp-ipv4                  1        1000     1000       1000
dhcp-ipv6                  1        1000     1000       1000
hypertext                  5        150      150        150
icmp-broadcast-ipv4        3        2000     2000       2000
icmp-multicast-ipv6        3        2000     2000       2000
icmp-unicast-ipv4          4        1000     1000       1000
icmp-unicast-ipv6          4        1000     1000       1000
igmp                       6        2500     2500       2500
ip-exceptions              0        150      150        150
ipv4-options               2        150      150        150
ipv6-options               2        150      150        150
lacp                       6        1000     1000       1000
lldp                       6        500      500        500
loop-protect               7        1000     1000       1000
mvrp                       6        1000     1000       1000
ntp                        5        150      150        150
ospf-multicast-ipv4        6        2500     2500       2500
ospf-multicast-ipv6        6        2500     2500       2500
ospf-unicast-ipv4          6        2500     2500       2500
ospf-unicast-ipv6          6        2500     2500       2500
pim                        6        1500     1500       1500
sflow                      1        2000     2000       2000
ssh                        5        500      500        500
stp                        7        2500     2500       2500
telnet                     5        500      500        500
udld                       7        500      500        500
unknown-multicast          2        1500     1500       1500
unresolved-ip-unicast      2        1000     1000       1000
vrrp-ipv4                  6        1000     1000       1000
vrrp-ipv6                  6        1000     1000       1000
default                    1        500      500        500

Displaying the active configuration of My_CoppPolicy as CLI commands:

switch# show copp-policy My_CoppPolicy commands
copp-policy My_CoppPolicy
    class bgp-ipv4 priority 6 rate 5000 burst 60
    class ospf-multicast priority 2 rate 2000
    default-class priority 1 rate 6000 burst 70

Displaying the user-specified configuration of My_CoppPolicy (Output from an 8320 switch):

switch# show copp-policy My_CoppPolicy configuration
class                 drop priority rate pps  burst pkts applied
--------------------- ---- -------- --------- ---------- -------
bgp-ipv4                   6        5000      5000       yes
ospf-multicast-ipv4        2        2000      2000       yes
default                    1        6000      6000       yes

Displaying the user-specified configuration of My_CoppPolicy as CLI commands:

switch# show copp-policy My_CoppPolicy commands configuration
copp-policy My_CoppPolicy
    class bgp-ipv4 priority 6 rate 5000 burst 60
    class ospf-multicast priority 2 rate 2000
    default-class priority 1 rate 6000 burst 70