copy {running-config | startup-config}
copy {running-config | startup-config} <REMOTE-URL> {cli | json} [vrf <VRF-NAME>]
Copies the running configuration or the startup configuration to a remote location as a file. The configuration can be exported to a file of either
type CLI
type JSON
format. The
is used for the configuration of interfaces on a particular VRF.
Command context
Manager (#
{running-config | startup-config}
Selects whether the running configuration or the startup configuration will be copied to a remote location as a file. Required.
Specifies the remote target for copying the file. Required. The syntax is {tftp | sftp}://<IP-ADDRESS>[:<PORT-NUMBER>][;blocksize=<BLOCKSIZE-VALUE>]/<FILE-NAME>
{cli | json}
Selects whether the export file is in CLI or JSON format. Required.
vrf <VRF-NAME>
Specifies the VRF to receive the interface configuration. If a VRF is not specified, the
VRF is used. Optional.
Copying a running configuration to a remote file in CLI format:
switch# copy running-config tftp:// cli vrf default ######################################################################### 100.0% Success
Copying a running configuration to a remote file in JSON format:
switch# copy running-config tftp:// json vrf default ######################################################################### 100.0% Success
Copying a startup configuration to a remote file in CLI format:
switch# copy startup-config sftp://root@ cli vrf default root@'s password: sftp> put /tmp/startcli startcli Uploading /tmp/startcli to /root/startcli Connected to Success
Copying a startup configuration to a remote file in JSON format:
switch# copy startup-config sftp://root@ json vrf default root@'s password: sftp> put /tmp/startjson startjson Uploading /tmp/startjson to /root/startjson Connected to Success