show/clear ipv6 ospf3 statistics


show ipv6 ospf3 statistics [vlan vid|tunnel tunnel-id

clear ipv6 ospf3 statistics [vlan vid|tunnel tunnel-id


Displays the statistics on OSPFv3 packets sent and received on the VLAN interfaces on an OSPFv3-enabled routing switch, including the number of errors that occurred during packet transmission.


vlan vid

Displays the statistics for the specified VLAN.


Resets the OSPFv3 traffic counters to zero.

vlan vid

Resets only those counters in the specific VLAN.

tunnel tunnel-id

Using the tunnel option resets only those counters in the specific tunnel.

Displaying OSPFv3 traffic statistics for all VLANs configured for OSPFv3 operation

Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 statistics

 OSPFv3 statistics for Interfaces

  Interface    Total Tx        Total Rx        Total Errors
  ------------ --------------- --------------- ------------
  Vlan-22      9022            9018            3
  Vlan-55      28041           28480           15
  tunnel-3     5432            5430            2

Displaying OSPFv3 statistics for a single VLAN

Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 statistics vlan 55

 OSPFv3 statistics for VLAN 55

  Tx Hello Packets   : 26005    Rx Hello Packets   : 26005
  Tx DD Packets      : 3        Rx DD Packets      : 3
  Tx LSR Packets     : 1        Rx LSR Packets     : 1
  Tx LSU Packets     : 1436     Rx LSU Packets     : 1046
  Tx LSA Packets     : 615      Rx LSA Packets     : 1444

 OSPFv3 Errors       : 0

Displaying OSPFv3 Statistics for a Tunnel

Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 statistics tunnel 3

 OSPFv3 statistics for Tunnel 3

  Tx Hello Packets   : 26000    Rx Hello Packets   : 26000
  Tx DD Packets      : 3        Rx DD Packets      : 3
  Tx LSR Packets     : 1        Rx LSR Packets     : 1
  Tx LSU Packets     : 1436     Rx LSU Packets     : 1046
  Tx LSA Packets     : 615      Rx LSA Packets     : 1444

  OSPFv3 Errors : 0