Implementation notes for OpenFlow groups in hardware
Groups are not supported in hardware when switch is running in v1 mode.
Special ports OFPP_ALL, OFPP_NORMAL, OFPP_TABLE, OFPP_IN_PORT, OFPP_LOCAL and OFPP_CONTROLLER are not supported in OpenFlow groups in hardware.
Tunnels cannot be part of OpenFlow ALL group.
Rules in OpenFlow software tables can refer to Groups in software or hardware.
Rules in OpenFlow hardware tables cannot refer to groups in software.
On custom pipeline instances, groups in hardware have counters subject to the availability of the counters.
If the group is in software, it can be referenced only from a software table.
Rules in hardware tables with group action must not have a goto instruction associated with it.
- Group Modifications:
Modification of a group in hardware that leads to having no Ports, is not allowed.
If the resultant modification can no longer be accommodated in H/W, group modification requests for Groups in H/W are rejected.
In custom mode, the groups are always in hardware. Attempts to add groups with actions other than output ports are rejected.
The number of OpenFlow groups that can be created on an OpenFlow instance is 1024.