uplink-failure-detection track
uplink-failure-detection track <track_ID> links-to-monitor <port-list> links-to-disable <port-list>
delay <delay_value>
no uplink-failure-detection track <track_ID> links-to-monitor <port-list> links-to-disable <port-list>
delay <delay_value>
Configures LtM and LtD ports for track-id. UFD delay is configured in seconds until when uplink must remain in a stable state before restoring the downlink. UFD delay is configurable between 0 to 300 seconds. The default delay value is 0.
form of this command resets the parameter.
Command context
Specifies the track id.
Specifies the port list.
Specifies the delay value.
Configure port A8 as LtM, port A6 as LtD, and delay value as 100 for track 1:Switch(config)# uplink-failure-detection track 1 links-to-monitor A8 links-to-disable A6 delay 100
switch(config)# show running-config Running configuration: ; J9851A Configuration Editor; Created on release #KB.16.08.0001 ; Ver #14:01.4f.f8.1d.fb.7f.bf.bb.ff.7c.59.fc.7b.ff.ff.fc.ff.ff.3f.ef:4e hostname "switch" module A type j9993a module L type j9992a snmp-server community "public" unrestricted oobm ip address dhcp-bootp exit uplink-failure-detection uplink-failure-detection track 1 links-to-monitor A8 links-to-disable A6 delay 100 vlan 1 name "DEFAULT_VLAN" untagged A1-A8,L1-L21 ip address dhcp-bootp ipv6 enable ipv6 address dhcp full exit
To set delay value to 2:
switch(config)# uplink-failure-detection track 1 delay 2
To set delay value to 0:
switch(config)#no uplink-failure-detection track 1 delay 2Alternately, to set delay value to 0, a user can also use the following command:
switch(config)#uplink-failure-detection track 1 delay 0