show uplink-failure-detection


show uplink-failure-detection


Shows the uplink failure detection information.

Command context



switch# show uplink-failure-detection

Uplink Failure Detection Information

  UFD Enabled   : Yes

  Track | Monitored   Links to    LtM      LtD      LtM       LtD        Delay
  ID    | Links       Disable     State    State    Lacp Key  Lacp Key   (sec)
  ------+----------   ----------- -------- -------  --------- ---------- ------
  1     | Dyn1        Dyn2        Up       Up       1         2          0
  32    | Trk1        Trk3        Up       Up                            300
  50    | Trk2        Trk4        Up       Up                            120
  64    | 2/12        2/14        Up       Up                            150
If there is a failure, and one track is in Down/Auto-Disabled state, the show uplink-failure-detection command displays:
switch(config)# show uplink-failure-detection

Uplink Failure Detection Information

  UFD Enabled   : Yes

  Track | Monitored    Links to     LtM    LtD           LtM      LtD      Delay
  ID    | Links        Disable      State  State         Lacp Key Lacp Key (sec)
  ----- + ------------ ------------ ------ ------------- -------- -------- -----
  1     | Trk1         A4           Up     Up                              100
  2     | A5           A6           Down   Auto-Disabled                   0