VLAN error messages
Member to controller VLAN
Specifying a member VLAN as a controller VLAN results in an error message similar to the following:
The specified VLAN is already member of OpenFlow instance
instance-name and hence cannot be added as controller interface.
VLAN in an OpenFlow instance
Specifying a VLAN that is already a part of a different OpenFlow instance results in an error message similar to the following:
The VLAN specified is already a member of another OpenFlow instance.
VLAN range
Specifying a VLAN that is outside the allowed VLAN range results in an error message similar to the following:
Invalid Input :
Management VLAN
When the user tries to add the management VLAN to an OpenFlow instance results in an error message similar to the following:
A management VLAN cannot be a member of an OpenFlow instance.
Configure VLAN as management
When the user tries to configure an OpenFlow instance VLAN as management VLAN results in an error message similar to the following:
Management VLAN cannot be configured. VLAN
<n> is member of an OpenFlow instance.
Dynamic VLAN
When a dynamic VLAN is added as a member VLAN, the result is an error message similar to the following:
Dynamic VLAN cannot be added as a member VLAN.
Controller interface
Adding a controller interface as member VLAN results in an error message similar to the following:
Controller interface cannot be added as member VLAN.