show lldp config


show lldp config

Displays the LLDP global configuration, LLDP port status, and SNMP notification status.

View default LLDP

show lldp config produces the following display when the switch is in the default LLDP configuration. The values displayed in the LLDP column correspond to the lldp refresh-interval command.

switch# show lldp config

LLDP Global Configuration

LLDP Enabled [Yes] :             Yes
LLDP Transmit Interval [30] :    30
LLDP Hold time Multiplier [4] :  4
LLDP Delay Interval [2] :        2
LLDP Reinit Interval [2] :       2
LLDP Notification Interval [5] : 5
LLDP Fast Start Count [5] :      5

LLDP Port Configuration
Port | AdminStatus NotificationEnabled  Med Topology Trap Enabled
---- + ----------- -------------------  -------------------------
A1 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A2 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A3 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A4 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A5 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A6 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A7 |    Tx_Rx          False            False
A8 |    Tx_Rx          False            False