show distributed-trunk


show distributed‐trunk consistency‐parameters global


This command displays configured features on VLANs that have dt‐lacp or dt‐trunk ports as member port. This command also displays VLAN memberships and loop‐protect status of a given DT trunk. You can use this command to determine if there is any mismatch in the configuration parameters on VLANs configured for DT ports or on DT interfaces.

show distributed-trunk

show distributed-trunk consistency-parameters global

                              Local             Peer
                              -----             -----
Image Version                 K.15.XX           K.15.XX
IP Routing                    Enabled           Enabled
Peer-keepalive interval (ms)  1000              1000

IGMP enabled VLANs on Local : 1-10, 100-110, 501 ,600
610 ,800
IGMP enabled VLANs on Peer : 1-10, 100-110, 501 ,600

DHCP-snooping enabled VLANs on Local : 1,2
DHCP-snooping enabled VLANs on Peer : 1

Loop-protect enabled VLANs on Local : 1,4
Loop-protect enabled VLANs on Peer : 1,5

MLD enabled VLANs on Local : 1-10
MLD enabled VLANs on Peer : 1-10


Show distributed-trunk 
consistency-parameters trunk <trk1...trkN>
Allowed VLANs on Local : 1-10, 100-110, 501 ,600
610 ,800
Allowed VLANs on Peer : 1-10, 100-110, 501 ,600
610 ,800

Name            Local Value             Peer Value
---------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------
Loop-protect     Enabled                 Enabled