ipv6 source-lockdown ethernet


[no] ipv6 source-lockdown ethernet <PORT-LIST>


Used to configure DIPv6LD lockdown globally and on specific ports which can be configured on per-port basis using the PORT-LIST option.

Parameters and options

[ethernet] PORT-LIST

Specify the ports being configured for Ipv6 source-lockdown.


Enable IPv6 source lockdown for a specific port.

Validation rules



Verify whether dhcpv6-snooping is enabled globally

DHCPv6 snooping is disabled.

Verify whether port configured is in the VLAN which is dhcpv6-snooping enabled.

Ports <PORT-LIST> are not in a DHCPv6 Snooping VLAN.

If lockdown is being configured on a trusted port

Port %s is a trusted port.

If the HW resources are not available for changing dipv6ld global or a port characteristic

Cannot enable DIPLDv6 as required resources are unavailable.

If global GVRP is enabled

DIPLDv6 cannot be enabled when GVRP is enabled

If no of snooped VLAN count is greater than max_vlans_with_dipv6ld

DHCPv6 snooping cannot be enabled on %s VLANs. The switch support only 8 DhCPv6 snooping enabled VLANs when Dynamic Ipv6 lockdown is enabled.

If Binding limits are exceeded

Cannot enable Dynamic Ipv6 Lockdown on ports %s as manual binding limits are exceeded.

If lockdown is being enabled on an interface which is part of a dynamic trunk (LACP)

Cannot configure Dynamic Ipv6 Lockdown on interface %s, it is a Dynamic trunk.

If lock down is being configured on a mesh port

Cannot configure Dynamic Ipv6 Lockdown on a logical mesh port.

If trunk is being formed using a port which has DIPLDv6 enabled on it.

Cannot add a port to a trunk group when Dynamic IPv6 Lockdown is enabled on that port.

If DIPLDv6 is configured on a trunk and the trunk is being removed.

Cannot remove the port %s from the trunk group because Dynamic IPv6 Lockdown is configured on the trunk and removing the port will delete the trunk.

If DIPLDv6 is being is configured on a Smart Link port

Cannot enable Dynamic IPv6 Lockdown feature on a Smart Link port.

If Smart Link is being enabled on a DIPLDv6 enabled port

Cannot configure the Smart Link feature on a port when the Dynamic IPv6 Lockdown feature is enabled on that port.