Defining the IGMP match criteria
To more precisely define the IGMP packets to match in an IPv4 traffic class, use the optional parameter settings described in this section. For example, instead of matching all IGMP traffic, configure a class that matches only a specific IGMP packet type.
Context: Class configuration
no [seq—number] [match | ignore] igmp source—address destination—address [igmp—type] [ip—dscp codepoint] [precedence precedence—value] [tos tos—value] [vlan vlan—id]
If you enter
as the IP protocol type in a match/ignore statement, you can optionally specify an IGMP packet type to more precisely define match criteria for a traffic class. Enter the optional IGMP match criteria immediately after the destination IP address (DA) value in the command syntax; for example:
switch(config-class)# match igmp any any host-query switch(config-class)# match igmp any any 3 7
- igmp-type
Configures an IGMP packet type as match criteria in a class configuration. Some of the valid values for IGMP packet-type names are as follows:
To display a list of valid
entries when you enterigmp
as the IP protocol type in a match/ignore statement, enter ?.