From within the user-role context:
reauth-period <VALUE>
Set the reauthentication period for the user role. Use [0] to disable reauthentication. For RADIUS-based authentication methods, it will override the RADIUS session timeout. It also overrides any port-based reauth-period configuration with the exception that LMA does not support a reauth-period.
Valid values are 0 – 999,999,999; a required configuration in user roles and it defaults to 0.
(user-role)# reauth-period 100
Set the reauthentication value for the current user role:
(user-role)# reauth-period 100
(user-role)# reauth-period 0
0 is used to disable reauthentication, and it is the default value.
(user-role)# reauth-period 0