Time synchronization

Many secure protocols and auditing functions rely on system times being synchronized with a reliable time source, either within or (where security considerations permit) external to the managed network. One of the most commonly used protocols to accomplish this is the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which can use both local and Internet-hosted servers to synchronize system time across a network. NTP should be configured and enabled on the device prior to enabling secure management protocols.

For example, to configure a switch to use NTP authentication and connect to a local NTP server at in unicast mode, use NTP authentication, and set the time synchronization mode to NTP:

switch(config)# timesync ntp
switch(config)# ntp unicast
switch(config)# ntp authentication key-id 1 authentication-mode sha1 key-value MySecretValue
switch(config)# ntp server 
switch(config)# ntp enable

For more details, refer to the time information in the ArubaOS-Switch Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.