Document Subtype: Customer Advisory|Severity: Medium|Document ID: a00023019en_us|Last Updated: 2017-08-26|Document Version: 1
On an HPE ProLiant server running the HPE SNMP Agents for Linux Version 10.60 (hp-snmp-agents), the following may occur:
- Files in directories under /var/spool/compaq/hpasm/registry/ have a Set Group ID up on execution (SGID) bit set that typically inherits permission from the user. This may cause security software to flag the agents due to the SGID bit set.
- When 32 128MB DIMMS are installed, the total memory displays "0MB" in System Management Homepage (SMH) -> System->System Board with SNMP Data Source.
The operation or functionality of the server is not affected.
Any HPE ProLiant server running the hp-snmp-agents version 10.60.
This does not affect the operation or functionality of the server.
This is targeted to be resolved in a future version of the hp-snmp-agents as follows:
Files in directories under /var/spool/compaq/hpasm/registry/ will not have the SGID bit set
The SMH System Board page will display the actual memory installed instead of "0 MB."
As a workaround, the memory installed in the server can be viewed using the following:
- Memory Subsystem page in SMH
- Power-On Self-Test (POST)
- Integrated Lights-Out (iLO)
- Operating System
This advisory will be updated when additional information is available.
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Hardware Platforms Affected: HPE DL360p Gen8 E5-2690 2P SP7777GLOB Server, HPE DL385p Gen8 Special Server, HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9 E5-2690v4 2P 16GB-R P440ar 8SFF 800W PS Server/S-Buy, HPE ProLiant DL360 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL380 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL385 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL580 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL585 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL388 G7 Server, HPE ProLiant DL360p Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620 1P 8GB-R P420i Hot Plug 8 SFF 460W PS Base Svr, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2630 1P 8GB-R P420i Hot Plug 8 SFF 750W PS Base Svr, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2640 2P 16GB-R P420i Hot Plug 8 SFF 750W PS Perf Svr, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2609 1P 4GB-R Hot Plug 8 SFF 460W PS Server/Promo, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2630 1P 4GB-R Hot Plug 8 SFF 460W PS Server/Promo, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620 1P 8GB-R Hot Plug SATA 8 SFF 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2609 1P 4GB-R Hot Plug SATA 8 SFF 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2609 1P 4GB-R Hot Plug 300GB 8 SFF 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2609 1P 8GB-R Hot Plug 600GB 6 LFF 460W PS Svr/Promo, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2650 2P 16GB-R P420i Hot Plug 8 SFF 750W PS ES Server, HPE ProLiant DL388p Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant DL360e Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant DL385p Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML310e Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant DL560 Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant DL380e Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350e Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant DL388e Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 Special Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2640 1P 4GB-R 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620 1P 8GB-R 300GB 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620 1P 4GB-R 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350e Gen8 Special Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2603 1P 4GB-R 300GB 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620 1P 4GB-R 600GB 920W RPS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2603 1P 8GB-R 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML310e Gen8 Special Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 SFF Configure-to-order Server/OEM, HPE ProLiant DL360p Gen8 SE Server, HPE ProLiant ML310e Gen8 v2 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2609v2 1P 4GB-R P420i/512 8 SFF 460W PS Server/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350p Gen8 E5-2620v2 1P 8GB-R P420i/1GB 2x300GB SFF 460W PS Svr/TV, HPE ProLiant ML350e Gen8 v2 Server, HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 Special Server, HPE ProLiant DL580 Gen8 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350e Gen8 v2 E5-2420v2 1P 4GB-U B120i 4 LFF 460W PS Svr/S-Buy, HPE ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant DL388 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant DL580 Gen9 Server, HPE ProLiant DL560 Gen9 Server
Operating Systems Affected: Not Applicable
Software Affected: Not Applicable
Support Communication Cross Reference ID: SIK2387
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