VMware HPE ESXi images
Hewlett Packard Enterprise provides VMware HPE ESXi images that integrate the VMware ESXi drivers and HPE Value Added Management Software required to run ESXi on HPE servers.
Observe the following:
VMware HPE ESXi images are provided as a starting point to ensure a successful installation.
Only the most current HPE Synergy Custom images are available on the VMware ESXi images for HPE Servers website. To access them, select the appropriate HPE ESXi version. Once you log into the VMware download site, scroll down to the "Synergy Custom Images" section and select the Install CD.
Updated patches and security builds can be installed from VMware. Installed updates will be reflected with a higher build number than the baseline build from the HPE Synergy-Only ESXi custom images. Patches are supported if they do not cross a VMware ESXi "update" boundary (i.e. 7.0 Update 2 does not become 7.0 Update 3) and do not install drivers that conflict with the HPE Synergy software release.
Updated HPE AddOns and HPE SSPs are not required to update the VMware base image. For example, if VMware releases a patch, the patch can be installed directly without any changes to the HPE AddOn and SSP, provided that the conditions in the previous paragraph are met. This is supported, even if the patch is not listed in Recommended VMware Lifecycle Manager Desired Image Definitions for HPE Synergy.
You can optionally add, remove, or update the HPE Management and Utilities Offline Bundles as needed to ensure accurate reporting of HPE Synergy compute node components.
Driver updates might be required to match a supported HPE Synergy software release. Please observe the "Driver updates" section on the VMware OS Support page, which will indicate whether the selected HPE ESXi custom image will require driver updates to be supported with the indicated HPE Synergy Service Packs (SSPs).
You can update VMware ESXi and vSphere using the standard VMware update tools.
Although drivers can be obtained through other resources such as vibsdepot, the HPE Synergy firmware and driver versions that are installed must be compliant with the chosen HPE Synergy Management combination and HPE Synergy Custom SPP or SSP.
For HPE recommended VMware Lifecycle Manager Desired Image definitions, see https://vibsdepot.hpe.com/synergy/Valid-vLCM-Combos-Synergy.pdf
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