Accessing the UEFI Shell from a serial console connection


Your terminal software must use a Unicode character set (for example: UTF-8).


When accessing the Shell from a serial console, English is the only available language for input and output. The Virtual Serial Port (VSP) does not support the Browser Selection GUI mode.

  1. Boot the server.
  2. Open a connection in an SSH client application using the iLO IP address of the server.
  3. Leave the SSH port as 22.
  4. At the login prompt, enter your user name and password.

    The hpiLO-> prompt appears.

  5. Enter vsp, and then press Enter to open the virtual serial port.

    The Shell> prompt appears.

  6. Enter the commands required to complete your task.
  7. Enter exit and exit the Shell.

login as: username
@<ip address>'s password: password
User: logged-in to <server path> / <server MAC address>
iLO 5 Standard 1.30 at  January 16 2017
Server Name:
Server Power: On

hpiLO-> vsp

Virtual Serial Port Active: COM2

Starting virtual serial port.
Press 'ESC (' to return to the CLI Session.
