

ifconfig6 -r [name] | -l [name]

ifconfig6 -s name [dad num] [auto | [man [id mac] [host IPv6 gw IPv6][dns IPv6]]]


Displays or modifies the IPv6 configuration for a network interface.


Specifies an adapter name, such as eth0.
-r name
Reconfigures all a specified interface, and sets the automatic policy. If the specified interface is already set to automatic, the IPv6 configuration is refreshed.
-l name
Lists the configuration of the specified interface.
-s name dad num
Sets the duplicate address detection transmit count of the specified interface.
-s name auto
Sets the automatic policy of the specified interface.
-s name man id mac
Sets the alternative interface ID of the specified interface. The interface must be controlled by a manual policy.
-s name man host IPv6 gw IPv6
Sets the static host IP and gateway address of the specified interface. The interface must be controlled by a manual policy.
-s name man dns IPv6
Sets the DNS server IP addresses of the specified interface. The interface must be controlled by a manual policy.


To list the configuration for the interface eth0:

Shell> ifConfig6 -l eth0

To use automatic configuration to request the IPv6 address configuration dynamically for the interface eth0:

Shell> ifconfig6 -s eth0 auto

To set the DAD transmit count for eth0 under automatic policy:

Shell> ifconfig6 -s eth0 auto dad 10

To set the alternative interface ID of eth0 under manual policy:

Shell> ifconfig6 -s eth0 man id ff:dd:aa:88:66:cc

To use the static IPv6 address configuration for the interface eth0, and specify that this configuration survives the network reload:

Shell> ifconfig6 -s eth0 man host 2002::1/64 2002::2/64 
gw 2002::3/64

To export the third TLS certificate in DER format to a file named abc.crt:

Shell> tlsconfig -x -i 3 -f abc.crt -t DER

To specify TLS cipher algorithms:

Shell> tlsconfig -c AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256

To show the TLS supported ciphers:

Shell> tlsconfig -c list

To enable certificate validation on a TLS connection:

Shell> tlsconfig -k PEER -o HOSTNAME

To specify that TLS v1.2 protocol version is used:

Shell> tlsconfig -v 1.2