Deleting a Secure Boot certificate key or database signature

  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Server Security > Secure Boot Settings > Advanced Secure Boot Options.
  2. Select an exchange key or a signatures database option.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If there is one option available for deletion:

      1. Select the Delete <option name> check box.

      2. Click Yes.

    • If there is more than one option available for deletion:

      1. Select Delete <option name>.

      2. Select the check box for the option you want to delete.

      3. Click Yes.

Example: Deleting a KEK entry

  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Server Security > Secure Boot Settings > Advanced Secure Boot Options > KEK - Key Exchange Key > Delete KEK entry.

  2. Select the check box for the entry you want to delete.

  3. Click Yes.