Create an OS Build Plan
Privileges: Infrastructure administrator, Software administrator.
- Select OS Build Plans from the main menu.
Use one of the following options:
- Select Create OS Build Plan in the master pane.
- Select Create from the Actions menu
Perform the following actions in the
Create OS Build Plan dialog:
- Specify a name and description for the OS Build Plan.
- Select either
Deploy or
Capture as the type of the OS Build Plan.
If you choose Deploy as the type, you will be able to add general and deploy type scripts to the OS Build Plan.
If you choose Capture as the type, you will be able to add general and capture type scripts to the OS Build Plan.
Add Steps.
The Add Steps dialog lists the available Plan Scripts along with the type.
- Select one or more Plan Scripts from the list.
Drag and drop the Plan Scripts to reorder them or specify a number in the text boxes, preceding the Plan Scripts.
As you add the Plan Scripts, the Custom Attributes section displays the custom attributes of the selected Plan Scripts. These custom attributes can be modified. Custom attributes are not available for capture and general type Plan Scripts.
- Click to modify the Type and assign a new default value to the custom attribute.
- Click Create to create the OS Build Plan. Click Create+ to create multiple OS Build Plans.