Registering an MS SQL instance

  1. Click HPE Recovery Manager Central > Microsoft SQL.
  2. Click Instances and then click + Instances.
  3. In the Register Instance screen, specify the following details:

    IP address or the host name of the server. Use the Select button to choose a server.


    Select to receive notifications for the operations performed on this instance. Use the Select button to choose a notification.

  4. Specify the following advanced information:
    Add Instances

    To add MS SQL instances manually, specify the name in the format <appHostName>/<appInstanceName>. For example, //host1/instance1.

    If the instance name is not applicable, then specify the name in the format //<appHostName>. For example, //host1.

    If you have selected the SQL Server Authentication mode, then specify the name in the format //<appHostName>/<appInstanceName>/<username>/<password>.

    For multiple instances, specify a comma-separated list of names.

  5. Click OK.

    Adding SQL instance automatically discovers all the databases and allows to protect MSSQL database using RMCS.