Adding a directory server


Verify that LDAP over SSL is enabled on the Active Directory server.

  1. Click HPE Recovery Manager Central > Users and Groups.
  2. Click HPE Recovery Manager Central > Schedules.
  3. Click the Directory Servers tab.
  4. Click + Directory Server.
  5. Specify the following details:
    IP Address / FQDN

    The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Active Directory server.

    Port Number

    The LDAP over SSL port on which the Active Directory server is listening. By default, LDAP over SSL is on port 636.

    User DN

    The distinguished name of the base location of user accounts on Active Directory server. For example, dc=mydomain, dc=com

    Group DN

    The distinguished name of the base location of groups on Active Directory server. For example, dc=mydomain, dc=com

    Username and Password

    Name and password of the service account user.

  6. (Optional) Specify the following advanced information:
    User Object Class

    Object class attribute (data type) of the user object. The default is user.

    User Name Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the name of the user. The default is cn.

    User Id Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the ID of the user. The default is cn.

    User Enabled Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the option to determine whether the user is enabled or not. The default is UserAccountControl.

    Group Name Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the name of the group. The default is name.

    Group Id Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the ID of the group. The default is cn.

    Group Member Attribute

    Attribute of the account object that contains the username of the user. The default is memberOf .

    Group Object Class

    Object class attribute (data type) of the group object. The default is group.

  7. Click OK.

Proceed and assign role to a user group.