Registering a Microsoft Exchange Server

  • Ensure that the registered user belongs to the Exchange Organization Administrators Active Directory group and have administrative rights for every Exchange production server managed by RMC-E.

  • Ensure that you use View-Only Organization Management or Recipient Management user role when there are security restrictions. However, the View-Only Organization Management and Recipient Management user roles cannot perform any Restore operation to the Base or Parent volume and Mailbox Recovery operations.
  1. Click the main menu and then click Exchange Databases > Servers.
  2. On the master pane of the Servers screen, click +Servers.
  3. Provide the following details:
    • IP Address of Host Name - The IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the server.

    • Port - [Optional] The port number of the server.

      By default, RMC-E operates on port 50002. If port 50002 is already in use, you can change the port during the server registration.

    • Username - The username for server login.

    • Password - The password for login username.

    • Description- [Optional] Short description about the server.

  4. Click Add.

    When you are registering multiple servers with the same Username, Password and Port, use the Add + button and enter only the IP Address of the next server.