SLD and 3DC PP differences

Synchronous long distance (SLD) and three data center Peer Persistence (3DC PP) both support three data centers. However, the configurations have distinct differences.

Synchronous long distance (SLD) Three data center Peer Persistence (3DC PP)

Host/server access

  • System1, System2, and System3 are connected to different host clusters or servers.
  • System2 might not have any host cluster connections.

Host/server access

  • System1 and System2 are connected to the same host cluster or server.
  • System3 is connected to a different host cluster or server.

  • Host cluster members connected to System1 and System2 must support ALUA multipathing.


  • Primary failover is typically to the long distance system System3.

  • Failover to System2 is not transparent to host applications.


  • Transparent failover between synchronous systems (System1 and System2).

  • Automatic failover between synchronous systems (System1 and System2).