Storage array properties

Property Description
Name The user-friendly name of the array set by the controller. The name cannot be modified.

Health state of the array. The health of the array is determined by the overall status of the array and the inherited status of the physical drives in the array.

  • Healthy: The storage array reports a healthy state. There are no observable issues.

  • Warning: The storage array is in a state that requires interaction before further execution.

  • Critical: The storage array reports a critical state and the issue requires immediate attention.

Total Size The total available size of the array.
Used Size The total space used by the array.
Smart Array controller The Smart Array controller associated with the array.
Hot Spares The number of replacement drives assigned to the array. Hot spares are replacements for failed drives. If a drive fails, the hot spare is used to rebuild the array.
Resiliency setting The RAID level of the array, is used as a default when creating a new logical drive on the array. If the array is created for a specific RAID level, the capacity is based on the specified RAID level.

RAID10 is suggested for arrays using up to four physical drives and RAID 6 for arrays using more than four physical drives.

Physical Drives The number of physical drives that make up the array.
Logical Drives The name of the logical drive that was created from the array.
Utilization The free, allocated, and total space used by the array. The management console uses color coding to depict the utilization.
  • Light gray: The available space for use.

  • Slate blue (Dark gray): The amount of space used.

Table 2: Storage array health state based on RAID level
RAID level Conditions that could trigger a critical state for a storage array: Conditions that could trigger a warning state for a storage array:
RAID0 If at least 1 physical drive is in a critical state. If at least 1 physical drive is in a warning or unknown state.
RAID1 If 1 or more physical drives are in critical state. If 1 or more physical drives are in a warning state.
RAID 6 If 2 or more physical drives are in critical state. If less than 2 physical drives and at least 1 physical drive are in critical state, or, if 1 or more physical drives are in a warning/unknown state.
RAID 10 If 50% or more of the physical drive are in critical state. If less than 50% of the physical drives are in critical state, and at least 1 physical drive is in a warning/unknown state; or, if at least 1 physical drive is in a warning state/unknown state.
RAID 60 If 4 or more physical drives are in critical state. If more than 4 physical drives are in a warning/unknown state, or, if 4 or less physical drives are in critical state and at least 1 physical drive is in a warning/unknown state.
RAID 1 ADM If 2 or more physical drives are in critical state. If 2 or more physical drives are in a warning/unknown state, or, if 1 physical drive is in critical state and at least 1 physical drive is in a warning/unknown state.
RAID 10 ADM If 1/3 or more of the physical drives are in critical state. If 2/3 or more of the physical drives are in a warning/unknown state, or, if 1/3 or less of the physical drives are in a critical state and at least 1 physical drive is in a warning/unknown state.