Manually configuring FlexFabric 5900 (Management) switch

  1. Retrieve the following parameters of the FlexFabric 5900 switch from the input JSON file:
    1. Name of the switch
    2. Password of the default administrator user
    3. VLAN ID of the iLO-OOBM network
    4. Configure iLO-OOBM gateway in the customer core switch
    5. iLO OOBM IP address and iLO-OOBM netmask
  2. Connect the switch to the computer using the console cable that is provided with the switch, and power on the switch.

    For more information about using the switch, see Powering on the switch for the first time in the

    HPE 5900 Switch Series Installation Guide.
  3. At the switch prompt, run the following commands:

    Replace the sample data in the following configuration with valid data from the Input JSON file.

    sysname <name of switch>
    # netconf ssh server enable 
    ssh server enable 
    local-user admin class manage 
    password simple <Password of default administrator user>
    authorization-attribute user-role network-admin 
    service-type ssh 
    user-interface vty 0 63 
    authentication-mode scheme 
    protocol inbound ssh 
    vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network> 
    Name ILO-OOBM
    interface Bridge-Aggregation50
    description <as per Port map>
    port link-type trunk
    undo port trunk permit vlan 1
    port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094 
    port trunk pvid vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    link-aggregation mode dynamic
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
    port link-mode bridge
    description <as per Port map>
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
    description <as per Port map>
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
    description <as per Port map>
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
    description <as per Port map>
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/47
    description 5950-1 M/0/0/0  interface connectivity
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48  
    description 5950-2 M/0/0/0  interface connectivity
    port access vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51
    description <as per Port map>
    port link-type trunk
    undo port trunk permit vlan 1
    port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094 
    port trunk pvid vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    port link-aggregation group 50
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52
    port link-mode bridge
    description <as per Port map>
    port link-type trunk
    undo port trunk permit vlan 1
    port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094 
    port trunk pvid vlan <VLAN ID of iLO-OOBM network>
    port link-aggregation group 50 
    interface M-GigabitEthernet0/0/0
    description <as per Port map>
    ip address <iLO-OOBM IP address> <iLO-OOBM netmask>